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Name :  level 18 Krindern
Date :  2023-03-30 03:22
Hits :  4113

Does anyone here use Last.fm?

Some people may not know what Last.fm is here, but in short, it is a site that collects statistics for you about the songs, bands, or albums that you listened to.
For me, this site is among the top 3 sites I used besides YouTube and the site where I am currently writing this talk. In any case, anyone here can have an account with Last.fm, send it to me in the comments here, and thanks
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level 6 eocn25     2023-03-30 11:22
노 I'm not a use last.fm
level 12 광태랑     2023-03-30 16:11
Not familiar with it, but seems like an interesting site.
level 18 Krindern     2023-03-30 19:58
Yes, it is a fun and beautiful site for spending time
level 13 Davilian     2023-03-30 20:23
There're some postings that contains other user's scrobble results, but that really rarely shows up. I tried to connect my Youtube Music account with Last.fm, only realizing that site's system is more familiar with Spotify than Youtube...
level 18 Krindern     2023-03-30 20:36
I do not advise you to link it to YouTube, but you can link it to YouTube Music, and yes, it is very compatible with Spotify
level 17 MKContributor     2024-03-28 06:37
you have a phone right? go download Pano Scrobbler.
level 8 자그마니     2023-03-31 17:37
Thanks for letting us know about this great site. As an old person, I don't think there's a time when I can listen to music comfortably like these days.
level 18 Krindern     2023-03-31 18:14
You're welcome, childish question from me, but how old are you? Frankly, perhaps the best times when you listen to music are these days for you, because I personally think that these days when you listen to music have a special taste and a special place more than what you listen to songs when you are young
level 3 Lowcalhosed_band     2023-04-07 19:03
Yes, I use Last.fm :) I recently signed up, partly to keep track of my own band "Lowcalhosed".
Here is our band page on Last.fm: https://www.last.fm/music/Lowcalhosed
Sorry for the shameless plug.. ;-)
level 18 Krindern     2023-04-07 19:26
Is Lowcalhosed you in last fm?
level 3 Lowcalhosed_band     2023-04-08 23:00
Yeah, that's right :)
level 18 Krindern     2023-04-08 23:47
I will follow you
level 3 Lowcalhosed_band     2023-04-09 01:44
Okay, cool!
level 18 Krindern
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Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 진짜 미친 앨범이로군요!!
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앤더스 2025-02-24 20:50
Revenge 듣고 이 성님들은 인간이길 포기하신것 같다는 생각을 했습니다. ㄷㄷ
서태지 2025-02-24 18:32
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metalnrock 2025-02-15 00:48
그냥 기다리시면 재가입안하셔도 되었는데 ㅠㅠ
AlternativeMetal 2025-02-14 18:58
사이트의 인증서가 정상화 되었네요! 이제 주소창 https에 빨간 글씨가 안 뜹니다!
fosel 2025-02-14 15:58
벌써 2월 중순이라니;;;; 나이만 먹는구나 ㅠㅠ
gusco1975 2025-02-12 17:09
사이트가 이상하네요~ㅠㅠ