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Name :  level 10 Apopeace
Date :  2020-07-14 22:34
Hits :  5710

Mastodon 다음 앨범 소식

Mastodon guitarist Bill Kelliher needs you to understand that the band's next album isn't going to be a repeat of Emperor of Sand, or even anything they've ever done before. Kelliher recently spoke to the Tone Talk podcast where he said the new Mastodon record "kind of turning the corner to the next thing."

"For me, our band, if you put our first album against even three or four albums ago, you’d be like, 'These are the same band? Holy shit.' It is no exception with our latest record that we’re working on," said Kelliher.Kelliher.

"It’s moving forward, and we’re kind of turning the corner to the next thing. I can’t sit still in the same… like AC/DC – awesome band – every record they got to a point where they just have the same formula, three chords – awesome three chords. The Ramones, same thing; Slayer, same kind of thing. It really just kind of gotten that groove, I don’t want everyone to get in that groove."

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MASTODON's New Record Mixes Up the Band's Sound According to Guitarist Bill Kelliher

다음 앨범은 현재에 안주하지 않고 기존 앨범들과는 다른 새로운 사운드를 위한 전환점이 될꺼라고 하네요. 좀 있으면 pain of salvation이랑 the ocean신보도 나오는 데다가 mastodon까지 이렇게 새로운 시도를 한다니 프록메탈펜 행복사합니다
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기대되네요. 너무 말랑 말랑하게만 안 변했으면 좋겠는데~
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사이트가 이상하네요~ㅠㅠ