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Terra incognita Review

Gojira - Terra incognita



Terra incognita

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresDeath Metal, Progressive Metal
LabelsGabriel Éditions
Ranked#69 for 2001 , #2,251 all-time
Album rating :  88 / 100
Votes :  11  (1 review)
Reviewer :  level 5         Rating :  85 / 100
A great debut. Less complex than the following albums, but with a great prog style nonetheless. The riffs come out easily. Unlike "The Link" and others, "Terra Incognita" shows a band committed to a dynamic closer to the sound of other good bands of the genre, but still with a great creative line. The breakdowns and headbanging parts are absolutely numerous. In Gojira's other works like "The Link" , I found that these parts are not clearly shown sometimes. In this album, one single song could bring various changes with addictive riffs. "Satan Is A Lawyer" is a great example. "Love" is another amazing track. The final part, which changes the riff, is extraordinary. It sounds a lot like a new metal sound, by the way. In short, "Terra Incognita" is a good album. Personally, it is my 3rd favorite Gojira work. In my opinion, "Magma" is a better work, but "Terra Incognita" is not as far behind as you might think. I think the viscerality of this first album surpasses the work of 2016.
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Track listing (Songs)

2.Lizard Skin4:3288.84Audio
3.Satan Is a Lawyer4:2591.34
5.Blow Me Away You (niverse)5:12925
6.5988 trillions de tonnes1:20603
8.Space Time5:23935
9.On the B.O.T.A.2:49855
11.Fire Is Everything4:5992.54
13.1990 quatrillions de tonnes4:1772.54
14.In the Forest8:4686.34Audio
2009 reissue bonus tracks
15.Clone (live)4:46-0
16.Love (live)4:15-0
17.Space Time (live)5:22-0

Line-up (members)

10,338 reviews
level 14 쇽흐   95/100
May 17, 2021       Likes :  12
현재 세계에서 가장 핫한 메탈밴드는 무엇일까? 나이트위시? 고스트? 사바톤? 램오브갓? 모두 훌륭하고 인기있는 밴드들이지만, '현 시점'이라는 관점에서 본다면 정답은 단연 Gojira이다. Gojira는 밴드 역사상 최초로 지난 주 빌보드 Top Album Sales Chart 1위를 거머쥐었다. 빌보드 Top Album Sales Cha... Read More
level 10 Corvette   90/100
May 3, 2021       Likes :  8
(몇 번 더 들어보고 쓰는 후기) 전작 Magma에 이어 엄청난 앨범인 Gojira의 7집. 4년만에 선보인 첫 싱글이었던 Another World는 빙산의 일각이었다는 느낌이 들만큼 내용물이 알차다고 할 수 있다. 몇몇 트랙들을 보자면 우선 첫 번째 곡인 Born for One Thing은 이 앨범에서 최고의 곡이라고 생각한... Read More
level 10 Corvette   85/100
Feb 3, 2021       Likes :  2
역설적이게도 앨범타이틀과 동명인 곡을 제외하고는 모두 무난하게 들어줄만한 Gojira의 6집. 싱글로 발표한 Silvera와 Stranded는 Gojira의 건재함을 나타내기 충분했고 이 외에도 The Shooting Star, The Cell, Only Pain 등 Duplantier 형제들의 뛰어난 작사(Joe가 담당하지만)/작곡 능력이 돋보이는 곡들이 많... Read More
Terra incognita
▶  Terra incognita Review (2001)
level 5 mhvasconcelos   85/100
Jul 28, 2024       Likes :  1
A great debut. Less complex than the following albums, but with a great prog style nonetheless. The riffs come out easily. Unlike "The Link" and others, "Terra Incognita" shows a band committed to a dynamic closer to the sound of other good bands of the genre, but still with a great creative line. The breakdowns and headbanging parts are absolutely numerous. In Gojira's other w...
level 5 mhvasconcelos   85/100
Jul 28, 2024       Likes :  1
The best Gojira's album until 2016. More progressive and lilting, probably because of the Duplantier brother's moment at the time: their mother passed away months later. For me, the second best album in their discography, behind "Fortitude". Joe's feel in this work is incredible. I've always wondered how he would sounds like this, and it's really good. However, Magma, despite b... Read More
From Mars to Sirius
level 15 OUTLAW   90/100
Mar 27, 2018       Likes :  1
익스트림 메탈은 이해하기 어렵다는 편견을 깨 준 밴드이자 엘범 중의 하나. 귀에 잘 들어오면서도 신나고 감미롭다. 때때로 너무 달콤하고 부드러운 부분이 있는데, 이런 점이 오히려 비호감 포인트가 될 수도 있을 것 같다. 가벼운 청자이기에, 역시 3,6,7,11 번이 즐기기에 좋다.. Read More
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