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Still Life Review

Opeth - Still Life



Still Life

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresProgressive Metal, Death Metal
LabelsPeaceville Records
Ranked#6 for 1999 , #99 all-time
Album rating :  91.6 / 100
Votes :  73  (7 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  95 / 100
Any band would be honored to release an album that could be considered the best ever in its genre. Opeth have not one, not two, but three albums that always sit neck and neck near the top of any Progressive Metal ranking, and the band fails at having an obvious magnum opus because any fan might name a different release. Such is the band’s prowess.

Still Life is the earliest of the aforementioned triad, being their last 90’s album and still rife with Death Metal. Personally, it ranks as my favorite of the three (and yet not my favorite Opeth album!). This is due to the fact that it is probably Opeth’s most passionate release, being a twisted tale of love, longing, hatred and revenge. The concept album follows the story of a monstrous man who was cast out of society (likely due to religious reasons) and despises the civilization, save for an old flame whom he returns for… the rest I’ll leave for you to discover.

It’s a perfectly delivered tale and Opeth succeed at swapping between styles and moods to fit the theme of the story. It has dark and brooding Death Metal representing the main character’s intense misanthropy due to his mistreatment. It has more melodic, longing guitar leads representing his loneliness and love that still burns. And it has slower, softer folk-inspired sections for the sparse moments of calm the characters are able to find. Of course, these are all trademark styles of the band, and by this album they had mastered each.

It's one of those albums that simply doesn’t have any flaws. It’s got a little bit of everything that makes Opeth a great band, and it’s got just about everything one could want in Progressive Death Metal.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.The Moor11:2697.425Audio Audio
2.Godhead's Lament9:4794.721Audio
4.Moonlapse Vertigo9:0093.120Audio Audio
5.Face of Melinda7:5995.621Audio Audio
6.Serenity Painted Death9:1495.921Audio
7.White Cluster10:0292.218Audio

Line-up (members)

10,338 reviews
Ghost Reveries
level 1 TheLast   90/100
Apr 24, 2012       Likes :  74
자고로 오페스라 하면 프로그레시브 익스트림 바닥에서는 자타가 인정하는 큰형님들인데 대체로 너무 멜랑꼴리하고 프로그레시브한 가오를 잡아서 본인 취향이 아니지만 본작 'Ghost Reveries'의 경우 본인이 선호하는 좃그루브 개마초 사운드를 들려주는 걸작이니 일반 좃고딩 방구석 ... Read More
In Cauda Venenum
level 15 Stradivarius   100/100
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Blackwater Park
level 11 SoftMetal   100/100
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level 16 겸사겸사   95/100
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level 15 Stradivarius   95/100
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level 16 겸사겸사   95/100
Jun 16, 2013       Likes :  7
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Blackwater Park
level 8 quine8805   95/100
Jul 3, 2021       Likes :  6
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level 10 Divine Step   100/100
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level 6 In Embrace   90/100
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Blackwater Park
level 12 Poslife   96/100
Dec 30, 2010       Likes :  6
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Still Life
level 21 구르는 돌   100/100
Jul 4, 2010       Likes :  6
내가 항상 리뷰 작성할 시에는 완성도라는 말을 많이 쓰게 된다. 자주 쓰는 단어임에도 Opeth의 리뷰를 작성할 때는 조심하게 된다. 왜냐하면 오페스의 작품들에는 완성도가 이미 전제되어 있기 때문이다. 아니, 마치 오페스라는 밴드의 이름 자체에 '완성도' 라는 단어가 내재되어 있는 듯하... Read More
level 6 Spiderpig   75/100
Jun 12, 2020       Likes :  5
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