Kiuas 재결성 소식
지난 13년도 헬싱키에서 마지막 공연을 가지고 해산했던 핀란드 파워메탈 밴드 Kiuas가 21년도 2월 말 재결성 소식을 페이스북에 올렸습니다.
향후 핀란드에 있을 페스티벌에 참가하여 라이브를 가질 예정이며, 클럽 투어도 돌며 가능하다면 신곡도 한 두어곡 정도 녹음 할 생각도 있다고 하네요.
개인적으로는 엄청 인상 깊던 밴드는 아니지만, 그래도 간간히 Reformation 앨범을 찾아 듣던터라 이 재결성 소식이 매우 반갑네요. 정말 멋있다 생각하는 Mikko Salovaara의 기타 퍼포먼스를 다시 볼 수 있어서 너무 행복합니다.
밴드는 본 재결성 선언 포스팅에 덧붙여 밴드 유튜브 계정에 13년도 공연을 통째로 공개하였습니다.
해당 영상 중 개인적으로 매우 좋아하는 곡인 Through the Ice Age를 하단 링크로 올려드리니 궁금하신 분들은 확인 해보셔도 좋을것 같습니다. (앨범버전보다는 임팩트가 살짝 떨어지기는 하네요.)
재결성 공지 전문 (출처: Kiuas 페이스북)
Once long ago, we stormed the stages with fire in our lustdriven hearts, hunger in our eyes and beer in our bellies. After many years full of success, glamour and decadence, we grew weary of the endless hedonistic rock’n’roll lifestyle, and longed for a simpler life – such as farming pumpkins in the countryside, smoke rising from the chimneys of our humble cottages and sheep grazing on the meadows of our land full of lillies.
After years of peace and harmony, so it happened that Ukko himself appeared to each of us in a dream and said: it is time for you to stop this madness and take arms once again to fight the sacred war! Let there be fire! Let there be blood! Let there be chaos! Let there be coconuts, carried by a swarm of a thousand swallows!
And so dear mortals, it is time for Kiuas to appear once again! What does this mean exactly? Thank you for asking.
We shall play a couple of selected festivals in Finland this summer, and should all go well, we shall proceed with a club tour some time in 2022. To celebrate these glorious occasions, we have plans to record a new song or two at some point. However, we must remind you that we are doing this for our own enjoyment and might change our plans at any point and in that case if that bothers someone it’s their problem and we will follow our path and decisions with zero regard to people weeping on the internet.
Otherwise, hugs and kisses and cat videos to you all, and we hope to see you soon on the bloody bone-crunching battlefields of festivals and clubs, horns in the air, eyes locked in a psychotic berzerk stare and vocal cords
taken beyond their human limitations...or something like that, you get the point.
KIUAS: Mikko, Ilja, Teemu, Atte and Markku
Reunion of finnish metal band Kiuas
Frozen for a long time the metal group Kiuas is reheating and returning with the original line-up. The long awaited return is happening during the coming summer festivals in Nummirock, Kauhajoki and Dark River Festival in Kotka.
Kiuas was formed in the year 2000 and has released four albums under Spinefarm Records and on 24.2.2021 releases the full recording of their latest live show from Helsinki for streaming.
“Kiuas: Live in Helsinki 2013” features almost three hours of live material and 22 live versions of their songs.
Kiuas released their first album “The Spirit of Ukko” in 2005. Their latest album “Lustdriven” was released in 2010. Kiuas has toured extensively between the albums, has played hundreds of gigs in Finland and abroad including gigs in Europe, Japan, United States and even in Maldives.
After the summer festival shows Kiuas will be making a comeback tour in Finland 2022.
Nummirock, Kauhajoki, Finland, 24.6.2021
Dark River Festival, Kotka, Finland, 13.8.2021
“Kiuas: Live in Helsinki 2013” available for streaming here:
향후 핀란드에 있을 페스티벌에 참가하여 라이브를 가질 예정이며, 클럽 투어도 돌며 가능하다면 신곡도 한 두어곡 정도 녹음 할 생각도 있다고 하네요.
개인적으로는 엄청 인상 깊던 밴드는 아니지만, 그래도 간간히 Reformation 앨범을 찾아 듣던터라 이 재결성 소식이 매우 반갑네요. 정말 멋있다 생각하는 Mikko Salovaara의 기타 퍼포먼스를 다시 볼 수 있어서 너무 행복합니다.
밴드는 본 재결성 선언 포스팅에 덧붙여 밴드 유튜브 계정에 13년도 공연을 통째로 공개하였습니다.
해당 영상 중 개인적으로 매우 좋아하는 곡인 Through the Ice Age를 하단 링크로 올려드리니 궁금하신 분들은 확인 해보셔도 좋을것 같습니다. (앨범버전보다는 임팩트가 살짝 떨어지기는 하네요.)
재결성 공지 전문 (출처: Kiuas 페이스북)
Once long ago, we stormed the stages with fire in our lustdriven hearts, hunger in our eyes and beer in our bellies. After many years full of success, glamour and decadence, we grew weary of the endless hedonistic rock’n’roll lifestyle, and longed for a simpler life – such as farming pumpkins in the countryside, smoke rising from the chimneys of our humble cottages and sheep grazing on the meadows of our land full of lillies.
After years of peace and harmony, so it happened that Ukko himself appeared to each of us in a dream and said: it is time for you to stop this madness and take arms once again to fight the sacred war! Let there be fire! Let there be blood! Let there be chaos! Let there be coconuts, carried by a swarm of a thousand swallows!
And so dear mortals, it is time for Kiuas to appear once again! What does this mean exactly? Thank you for asking.
We shall play a couple of selected festivals in Finland this summer, and should all go well, we shall proceed with a club tour some time in 2022. To celebrate these glorious occasions, we have plans to record a new song or two at some point. However, we must remind you that we are doing this for our own enjoyment and might change our plans at any point and in that case if that bothers someone it’s their problem and we will follow our path and decisions with zero regard to people weeping on the internet.
Otherwise, hugs and kisses and cat videos to you all, and we hope to see you soon on the bloody bone-crunching battlefields of festivals and clubs, horns in the air, eyes locked in a psychotic berzerk stare and vocal cords
taken beyond their human limitations...or something like that, you get the point.
KIUAS: Mikko, Ilja, Teemu, Atte and Markku
Reunion of finnish metal band Kiuas
Frozen for a long time the metal group Kiuas is reheating and returning with the original line-up. The long awaited return is happening during the coming summer festivals in Nummirock, Kauhajoki and Dark River Festival in Kotka.
Kiuas was formed in the year 2000 and has released four albums under Spinefarm Records and on 24.2.2021 releases the full recording of their latest live show from Helsinki for streaming.
“Kiuas: Live in Helsinki 2013” features almost three hours of live material and 22 live versions of their songs.
Kiuas released their first album “The Spirit of Ukko” in 2005. Their latest album “Lustdriven” was released in 2010. Kiuas has toured extensively between the albums, has played hundreds of gigs in Finland and abroad including gigs in Europe, Japan, United States and even in Maldives.
After the summer festival shows Kiuas will be making a comeback tour in Finland 2022.
Nummirock, Kauhajoki, Finland, 24.6.2021
Dark River Festival, Kotka, Finland, 13.8.2021
“Kiuas: Live in Helsinki 2013” available for streaming here:
추억의 밴드네요~잊고 있었는데 좋은 앨범 기대됩니다^^ | ||
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