그라인드코어 디스트로 창고정리
모두 새 상품이고
무조건 무료배송 입니다
국내에 그라인드 앨범 파는곳이 없어서
혼자 수입하고 발매하다 방이 너무 지저분해져서
정리차 올려봅니다
혹시 원하시는 앨범 있으시면
leeyuing@gmail.com 으로 이메일 보내주세요
CD 10,000W
Dead Infection - Corpse of the Universe
Pulmonary Fibrosis - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Sulsa - Gore Is My Business...
Su19b / Dot. - Split
PTAO - Ptaoism (LAST1)
Septic Autopsy – Spontaneous Emanation Of Rotting Smell Through Necropsy Proces
Oxidised Razor / Autophagia - Split
Savage Man Savage Beast - The Stiffs Are Looking Lively
Meatal Ulcer - Why Won't It Die?
Oltretomba – Sounds From Beyond The Grave
Patologicum / Necrocannibal – Split CD
Archagathus / Nahu - Split
V/A - Real Japanese Underground 2007 (24tracks compilation of Japanese Noise,Grind)
V/A - Unconscious Ruins (23tracks japanese grindcore compilation)
CDR 7,000W
Street Side Abortion - Street Side of Tales Abortion (Pro-cdr in 7" Sleeve)
Vomitoma / Myxoma / Decomposing Serenity - Split
Arryam - Demo (S.Korea Fast Violence)
Birth / Human Jerky - Split
Nasty Face - Face Collection
Sulsa - World of Sewage
Sulsa / Haggus - Split
Oniku - Wat to Live
The Human Virus - Hates going to the Dentist (Dental Work Reworked)
TAPE 5000W
Toxocariasis - Demo II (TAPE)
Punctured Esophagus - Jungle of Horrors Part II (TAPE)
LPP - Anti Scum Human
LPP / Sonic Diver - Split
Swaneater - Demo
Leper Temple - S/T
Sulsa - Gore Is My Business
Lunk / Myxoma - Split
Reth - Precursors To Extinction
Nasty Face / Fetal Deformity - Split
Vomitoma / 16-武装翼の女神 - Split
Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish - Einer Für Alle (members of Nasty Face, The Afternoon Gentleman)
Fermented Bladder – Pulling Stones Out Of My Bladder With Needle Nose Pliers
Vasoepididymostomy / Decompurulent Ulcerator – Bloated And Infested By Worms
VINYL (as priced)
Blue Holocaust - Flesh For The Cannibal God (20,000won)
LPP / Invidiosus - Split 7"
Controlled Existence / Headless Death - Split7"
Grudge - Raw Grind 7"
Butcher ABC / Nekrofilth - Split7"
Su19b - Demo97
Archagathus / Self Deconstruction - Split7"
Suppression / 7M$ - Split 7"
Skunk / Existench - Split 7"
Mauthausen Orchestra – Under Control 7"

무조건 무료배송 입니다
국내에 그라인드 앨범 파는곳이 없어서
혼자 수입하고 발매하다 방이 너무 지저분해져서
정리차 올려봅니다
혹시 원하시는 앨범 있으시면
leeyuing@gmail.com 으로 이메일 보내주세요
CD 10,000W
Dead Infection - Corpse of the Universe
Pulmonary Fibrosis - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Sulsa - Gore Is My Business...
Su19b / Dot. - Split
PTAO - Ptaoism (LAST1)
Septic Autopsy – Spontaneous Emanation Of Rotting Smell Through Necropsy Proces
Oxidised Razor / Autophagia - Split
Savage Man Savage Beast - The Stiffs Are Looking Lively
Meatal Ulcer - Why Won't It Die?
Oltretomba – Sounds From Beyond The Grave
Patologicum / Necrocannibal – Split CD
Archagathus / Nahu - Split
V/A - Real Japanese Underground 2007 (24tracks compilation of Japanese Noise,Grind)
V/A - Unconscious Ruins (23tracks japanese grindcore compilation)
CDR 7,000W
Street Side Abortion - Street Side of Tales Abortion (Pro-cdr in 7" Sleeve)
Vomitoma / Myxoma / Decomposing Serenity - Split
Arryam - Demo (S.Korea Fast Violence)
Birth / Human Jerky - Split
Nasty Face - Face Collection
Sulsa - World of Sewage
Sulsa / Haggus - Split
Oniku - Wat to Live
The Human Virus - Hates going to the Dentist (Dental Work Reworked)
TAPE 5000W
Toxocariasis - Demo II (TAPE)
Punctured Esophagus - Jungle of Horrors Part II (TAPE)
LPP - Anti Scum Human
LPP / Sonic Diver - Split
Swaneater - Demo
Leper Temple - S/T
Sulsa - Gore Is My Business
Lunk / Myxoma - Split
Reth - Precursors To Extinction
Nasty Face / Fetal Deformity - Split
Vomitoma / 16-武装翼の女神 - Split
Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish - Einer Für Alle (members of Nasty Face, The Afternoon Gentleman)
Fermented Bladder – Pulling Stones Out Of My Bladder With Needle Nose Pliers
Vasoepididymostomy / Decompurulent Ulcerator – Bloated And Infested By Worms
VINYL (as priced)
Blue Holocaust - Flesh For The Cannibal God (20,000won)
LPP / Invidiosus - Split 7"
Controlled Existence / Headless Death - Split7"
Grudge - Raw Grind 7"
Butcher ABC / Nekrofilth - Split7"
Su19b - Demo97
Archagathus / Self Deconstruction - Split7"
Suppression / 7M$ - Split 7"
Skunk / Existench - Split 7"
Mauthausen Orchestra – Under Control 7"

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