Edguy의 개인 프로필좀 부탁드립니다
Felix Bohnke (Drums)
Birthdate: September 2nd, 1974
Colour of hair: dark blond or light brown
Colour of eyes: brown
Height: 1.86 Meters
Hobbies: Star Trek, fitness, Star Trek, reading, Star Wars, music, computer, Whiskey, and Star Trek
Favourite meals: Burger, pasta and all stuff that is healthy
Favourite books: all Discworld- books of Terry Pratchett and everything of Kurt Tucholsky
Tobias Exxel (Bass)
Date of birth: February 27th, 1973
Colour of eyes: grey-green
Colour of hair: Orange-black
Height: 1.84 meters
Hobbies: Remote-controlled model gliders (when I need some calmness) Crazy parties (when I need some action!)
Jens Ludwig (Guitars)
Birthdate: August 30th, 1977
Place of Birth: Fulda, Germany
Color of Hair: Long
Color of Eyes: Blue/Green-grey; depends on the weather
Height: 1.86 Meters
Tobias Sammet (Vocals)
Date of Birth: November 21st, 1977
Height: 1.72 meters
Color of Eyes: Brown
Color of Hair: Light Brown
Hobbies: Actually, I only have little time for hobbies, but if there is time then I keep myself busy with even more music, history (look at old ruined castles), philosophy, and all this intellectual stuff which I then mostly put away after a few hours because I then notice I'm likely too stupid for it!
Dirk Sauer (Guitars)
Birthdate: September 1st, 1977
Height: 1.80 Meters
Colour of hair: common dog blond
Colour of eyes: blue-grey
Hobbies: riding, swimming, cycling, guitar
Favourite meal: pizza
Favourite drink: lemonade
Favourite book: Emil and the detectives | ||
ㅡㅡ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 영.... 영어다 ^-^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
영어네요? ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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zzz | ||
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