Firewind 의 보컬이 교체됬네요.
4집부터 firewind의 전성기를 함께한 보컬 Apollo Papathanasio가 탈퇴했네요.
페이스북 소식에 의하면 아폴로는 예전 몇년동안 파이어윈드의 늘어만가는 스케줄을 감당하기 힘들었다고 하네요.
다행스럽게도 서로 불화때문에 헤어진건 아닌것 같네요.
새 보컬은 Kelly Sundown Carpenter로 바로 정해졌습니다.
왠지 보컬 음색을 보면 다음 앨범이 few against many 보다 더 헤비해질것같은 안좋은 느낌이 드네요;;
FIREWIND have announced Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, etc.) as new vocalist for their upcoming North American touring activities, after longterm vocalist Apollo Papathanasio parted ways with the band.
FIREWIND comments:
... “Today we are in the unfortunate position to announce that Apollo has decided to step down permanently from the vocal duties in FIREWIND. For the past few years it was evident that Apollo could not keep up with FIREWIND’s ever growing and demanding touring & promotional schedule. Several times we've had to recruit replacements in order to continue touring the world and keep playing for our fans. We're lucky enough to have worked with some of the best Metal singers out there!
Although we're sad to announce Apollo's departure and we sure will miss him, at the same time we feel that the show must go on! FIREWIND is a band that has gone thru lots of ups and downs the past 10 years, but is still going strong!
With that said, we're happy to announce that Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, Darkology) will be singing for us on the upcoming N. American tour with Turisas! This guy's a phenomenal singer and we can't wait to get out there and Rock! We're looking forward to our return in America. See you all soon!”
FIREWIND have announced Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, etc.) as new vocalist for their upcoming North American touring activities, after longterm vocalist Apollo Papathanasio parted ways with the band.
FIREWIND comments:
... “Today we are in the unfortunate position to announce that Apollo has decided to step down permanently from the vocal duties in FIREWIND. For the past few years it was evident that Apollo could not keep up with FIREWIND’s ever growing and demanding touring & promotional schedule. Several times we've had to recruit replacements in order to continue touring the world and keep playing for our fans. We're lucky enough to have worked with some of the best Metal singers out there!
Although we're sad to announce Apollo's departure and we sure will miss him, at the same time we feel that the show must go on! FIREWIND is a band that has gone thru lots of ups and downs the past 10 years, but is still going strong!
With that said, we're happy to announce that Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, Darkology) will be singing for us on the upcoming N. American tour with Turisas! This guy's a phenomenal singer and we can't wait to get out there and Rock! We're looking forward to our return in America. See you all soon!”
오 슈발 켈리 카펜터 하느님... 지쟈스 크라이스트... 맘마미아... 이젠 철새처럼 왔다갔다 그만하고 자리를 잡았으면 좋겠습니다 | ||
헐..... 개인적으로 아폴로의 보컬을 좋아하던 1인인데 아쉽네요. 근데 켈리 카펜터의 들어 보니 좋네요. 다만 점점 무거워 질것 같은 글에 왠지 동의합니다. | ||
아폴로도 괜찮은 보컬이었지만, 후임은 괜찮은 정도가 아닌 역대급 보컬이 들어오는군요. 다만 켈리와 파이어윈드의 매치는 생각해본적이 없는데... 상당히 의외의 라인업이네요. | ||
이 글 쓴 이후에 outworld 들어봤는데 켈리카펜터라는 보컬이 괴물이더군요 ㄷㄷ | ||
비디오로 봐도 그렇고 라이브로 실제로 봤을때도 그렇고.. 아폴로가 라이브에서 좀 불안 불안했었는데...물론 곡 소화능력은 되긴하는데.. 뭔가 모를 아쉬움.... 여튼 불화가 아니여서 다행이네요 근데 새 보컬이 너무 쌘듯 ㅎㅎㅎ 어떻게 변할지 궁금하네요 | ||
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