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Name :  level 15 MMSA
Date :  2018-06-08 19:21
Hits :  4921

Omnium Gatherum 신작 소식

'The Burning Cold'
8월 31일 발매 예정입니다.
현재 녹음을 마친 상태이며 Dan Swanö가 믹싱 및 마스터링 작업을 담당했다고 합니다.

Main songwriter and guitarist Markus Vanhala comments: "Sometimes you can be extra proud of something you've achieved, and I could claim that The Burning Cold album has a sense of special chapter for me. I haven't been this excited for a new album of mine for ages! I've been extra busy with all the touring in the past year(s) and I truly don't know when and where I got these songs made. They somehow wrote themselves indeed. We got some really good kick-ass songs and fresh tunes made up and The Burning Cold has a really honest feeling in it. Fresh rebirth of Omnium Gatherum! We are honored kick off this album cycle with a pre-release show for the new album at one of our favorite festivals in the field, Summer Breeze. You can hear debut live shots of some of the new songs there, so be sure not to miss all this excitement, new glory and fresh mistakes!"

Singer and frontman Jukka Pelkonen comments on the lyrical themes and concepts: "There are two major lyrical concepts on the new album; Firstly, it touches the great human tragedies and fortunes which are around us - Tragedies such as war and the engulfing darkness that follows, and Fortunes which are tangled in experiences we all share despite of the seemingly burning world. Secondly, the lyrics speak loudly of the human emotional condition. How do we love? Why do we hate? Why some things are easier to leave behind than others. Why does death terrify us, and if it does why do people act like it does not exist? This album is a pinnacle of all the hard work we as a group have done in OG for a long time. The music comes alive and reaches new perspectives. Still. This is truly melodic death metal. Sharpened polished, brutal."

컨셉을 보니 과연 어떤 앨범이 나올지 궁금하군요..
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level 13 냐호     2018-06-08 20:26
설마 이분들도 40분짜리 한곡 만드는건 아니겠죠
level 8 DRAM     2018-06-08 23:24
level 13 verzox     2018-06-08 23:32
이번앨범이 상당히 중요할거같네여..
level 8 dalloyau     2018-06-10 03:28
기대반 걱정반이네요 ㅠ
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