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Frozen in Time Review

Obituary - Frozen in Time

Frozen in Time

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresDeath Metal
LabelsRoadrunner Records
Ranked#155 for 2005 , #4,816 all-time
Album rating :  83.1 / 100
Votes :  10  (1 review)
Reviewer :  level 5         Rating :  85 / 100
Frozen in Time, by Obituary, is the perfect example of the combination between thrash metal and death metal. Right away, for example, the instrumental track sounds like something made by Slayer or Testament. This band is probably the best of its kind at making brutal and spectacular riffs that perfectly match vocalist John Tardy's way of singing. Donald Tardy also brings a great feel with those drum beats.

The instrumental Redneck Stomp definitely is one of the top 5 tracks in the record. Simple but addictive as hell.

On the Floor keeps the energy up. That thrash metal beggining with the usual drum beats alongside the main riff brings an indication of a great song. The guitars along with the chorus “On the floor” repeated by John are impeccable. One of the best breakdowns ever. Also a top 5 of this record, for me.

Blindsided has an amazing main riff with easy lyrics. It basically repeats most of the words, which I particularly like. In a Death Metal song, it's good to just put a few words. The highlight is the way you sing and the captivating instrumental parts.

Back Inside is regular. The song has a predictable yet catchy rhythm and riffs that are perfect for headbanging

Stand Alone is not the best track, but a little above the average because of the riff in the middle of the song.

Mindset has great guitar work. The main riff along with the transitions in the middle are great

Slow Death reminds a little of the first track in the beggining. A good song, the breakdown riff in the middle is great too. Looks like a doom metal sound with death metal vocals. The guitars on this are insane. One of the best songs of the album too.

Denied begins out the gate with the powerful John's voice. The main riff brings something similar to some tracks in the album. Nothing new, but so catchy still.

Lockjaw starts similar to a general Sepultura's song (which I loved it) and gets better. The transition to the main riff is great. One hell of a thrash/death metal track. Also top 5.

In the end, this is my top 5 of the album:
1 - On The Floor
2 - Redneck Stomp
3 - Slow Death
4 - Blindsided
5 - Lockjaw

The disappointing one could be Stand Alone or Back Inside. This doesn't mean these songs are bad, but just not as good as the others
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Redneck Stomp3:3295.69
2.On The Floor3:1194.37
5.Back Inside2:4387.56
7.Stand Alone3:4485.86
8.Slow Death3:0492.17

Line-up (members)

  • John Tardy : Vocals
  • Trevor Peres : Guitars
  • Allen West : Guitars
  • Frank Watkins : Bass
  • Donald Tardy : Drums
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level 21 구르는 돌   90/100
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