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Tomb of the Mutilated Review

Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated

Tomb of the Mutilated

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresBrutal Death Metal
LabelsMetal Blade Records
Ranked#34 for 1992 , #1,370 all-time
Album rating :  83.4 / 100
Votes :  57  (4 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 1         Rating :  100 / 100
This is the best album by Cannibal Corpse and one of the best albums of all time. Everything about this album is on point. This is when Cannibal Corpse stepped up their game and took it to the next level. Their first two albums before this one are excellent (especially Butchered at Birth), but they really put it all together on Tomb of the Mutilated. Tomb of the Mutilated is actually a loose concept album where the songs flow together in order to tell a story. This is mainly true for the last three songs on this album. Every song on here is amazing. “I Cum Blood”; “Addicted to Vaginal Skin”; “The Cryptic Stench”; “Post Mortal Ejaculation”; “Beyond the Cemetery” and of course “Hammer Smashed Face” are all standout highlights. The drums are excellent and have a good tight pop; the guitars sound great as well. The distortion used on these songs is very heavy and right where it should be. The riffs on “Cryptic Stench”; “Hammer Smashed Face” and “Beyond the Cemetery” are all killer. Also, the vocals are amazing on this album. Chris Barnes was at his best when he recorded vocals for Tomb! Production quality for this album is pretty solid, Scott Burns from Metal Blade is legendary. I think it’s about as good of production as was possible back in 1993. The album artwork as always by Vincent Locke is epic (especially the original version with the original band logo). I highly recommend this album if you’re into old school death metal.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Hammer Smashed Face4:0297.114Audio
2.I Cum Blood3:4091.910Audio
3.Addicted to Vaginal Skin3:2986.19
4.Split Wide Open3:0182.89
6.The Cryptic Stench3:5788.110
7.Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt4:1483.39
8.Post Mortal Ejaculation3:3583.99
9.Beyond the Cemetery4:5282.58

Line-up (members)

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level 16 Sathanas   95/100
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A Skeletal Domain
level 15 OUTLAW   90/100
Apr 26, 2021       Likes :  3
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Eaten Back to Life
level 9 CODEX 666   80/100
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level 8 Exhumed.   100/100
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level 8 Exhumed.   80/100
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A Skeletal Domain
level 8 Exhumed.   100/100
Sep 11, 2019       Likes :  2
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