Transcendence Into the Peripheral
Band | |
Type | Album (Studio full-length) |
Released | September 1, 1993 |
Genres | Death Doom Metal |
Labels | Relapse Records |
Length | 59:40 |
Ranked | #21 for 1993 , #1,082 all-time |
Album Photos (4)
Transcendence Into the Peripheral Information
Track listing (Songs)
title | rating | votes | |||
1. | The Tree of Life and Death | 10:25 | 80 | 2 | |
2. | Your Prophetic Throne Of Ivory | 7:40 | 80 | 2 | |
3. | Excoriate | 4:45 | 80 | 2 | |
4. | Nightside of Eden | 2:39 | 75 | 2 | |
5. | A Burial at Ornans | 14:38 | 80 | 2 | |
6. | The Spirits of the Tall Hills | 9:22 | 80 | 2 | |
7. | Cerulean Transience of All My Imagined Shores | 10:07 | 80 | 2 |
[ Rating detail ]
Line-up (members)
- Jason Kells : Guitars
- Paul Mazziotta : Drums
- Matt Skarajew : Bass
- Renato Gallina : Vocals, Guitars, Songwriting, Lyrics
Guest / additional musicians
- I'da : Female Vocals (track 4)
- Tony Mazziotta : Double Bass (track 7)
Production staff / artist
- Dave Shirk : Mastering Engineer
- Renato Gallina : Art Direction, Design
- Daniel Lamos : Photography
- Doug Saunders : Engineer
Recorded during winter and spring of 1992 at Toybox Studios (Northcote, Melbourne).
Produced by Disembowelment.
Produced by Disembowelment.
Transcendence Into the Peripheral Videos
Transcendence Into the Peripheral Lists
(3)Transcendence Into the Peripheral Reviews
(3)Date : Feb 8, 2022
A very difficult album for me to rate, as Death Doom is perhaps my absolute favorite genre, and Disembowelment’s first and only album is considered by the some the greatest Death Doom album of all time. It was certainly the first album to have hints of Funeral Doom and would end up becoming influential in that scene, and has a ton of straight Death Metal compared to most Death Doom.
The cooler parts of this album are definitely the way it uses clean, reverbed guitar notes to create melodic atmosphere, but this is only done occasionally. The variety in drumming is also very nice, with everything from Funeral Doom plodding to full Death Metal blastbeats. So, wherein lies the problem for me?
Death Doom was still very primitive in the early 90’s, and Transcendence into the Peripheral is no different. It is extremely basic both in style and execution. The riffs, if you can call them that, are very monotone and minimalistic. That’s not uncommon for Doom, but the way minimalistic riffing works is by creating and relying on strong atmosphere to carry the song. Disembowelment completely falls flat in this regard.
Outside of a few moments with cool backing vocals and reverby clean instruments, there is really no mood created at all, and therein the atmosphere is empty and boring. The songs have no emotion, even the lyrics are spiritual and abstract ramblings that carry no weight. They talk about death and darkness sometimes, but it’s in a Death Metal ad lib sense, none ... See More
The cooler parts of this album are definitely the way it uses clean, reverbed guitar notes to create melodic atmosphere, but this is only done occasionally. The variety in drumming is also very nice, with everything from Funeral Doom plodding to full Death Metal blastbeats. So, wherein lies the problem for me?
Death Doom was still very primitive in the early 90’s, and Transcendence into the Peripheral is no different. It is extremely basic both in style and execution. The riffs, if you can call them that, are very monotone and minimalistic. That’s not uncommon for Doom, but the way minimalistic riffing works is by creating and relying on strong atmosphere to carry the song. Disembowelment completely falls flat in this regard.
Outside of a few moments with cool backing vocals and reverby clean instruments, there is really no mood created at all, and therein the atmosphere is empty and boring. The songs have no emotion, even the lyrics are spiritual and abstract ramblings that carry no weight. They talk about death and darkness sometimes, but it’s in a Death Metal ad lib sense, none ... See More

Date : Aug 26, 2019
Keďže hodnotenie kapely Disembowelment bolo poväčšine pozitívne, rozhodol som sa pozháňať si dané album, vypočuť si ho a urobiť si naň vlastný názor. Po viacnásobnom vypočutí (pričom prvý dojem bol úplne negatívny) som zhodnotil album "Transcendence Into the Peripheral" nasledovne. Hudba sa pohybuje v pomalom, prípadne stredne tempom Death/Doom Metal -e občas aj s prvkami Funeral, prípadne naopak rýchlejšími pasážami. Pre mňa obrovskou nevýhodou a mínusom je časté opakovanie sa v piesňach, či už jedného riffu alebo iného hudobného motívu. Gitary majú pritom poväčšine podarený zvuk, no piesňam chýba z môjho pohľadu výrazný nápad a ucelenosť. Growler Renato Gallina (aj gitarista) využíva rôzne polohy od hlbokého growlingu a ryčania (to sa m práve nepáči) po občasné blackové výkriky. Napriek viacnásobnej snahe o ocenenie pozitív albumu, ma zatiaľ máločo z neho oslovilo a vyššie hodnotenie albumu zatiaľ nemôžem dať.

Date : May 21, 2018
무사앨범. (무조건 사) 입니다. 90년대 활화산같은 앨범을 만든 Disembowelment 의 최고의 작품이니 따로 드릴 설명은 없을 듯 싶습니다. 올드함의 교과서 적인 변칙없는 일직선상의 모습하며 템포조절이 상당히 간략하게 바뀌면서 긴장감마저 만드는 드럼파트의 묵직함에 각 파트별 레코딩을 병렬식이 아닌 직렬식으로 해서 인지 상당히 응집력이 강한 앨범 입니다. 빨간 앨범커버가 의미하는 단순 경고문 형식의 문구에서 느껴지는,,, 살벌함까지 느껴지네요.

Transcendence Into the Peripheral Comments
(15)Dec 22, 2023
예전에 얼핏듣고 그냥 넘겼던 앨범인데 최근에 다시찾아듣고 좋아하게 된 앨범. 흔한 그로울링과는 차원을 달리하는 듯하고 묵직하면서 지루할틈 없이 변화가 꾸준히 있어 오히려 몇곡이 더 있었음 하는 생각도 하게됨. 요즘같이 추운 날 이런 데스둠의 정석을 들으며 지독하게 시리게 보내는것도 좋을듯

Aug 29, 2022
At the very deathy early section of this album I had doubts I was going to like it, but when it shifted into full-on doom all my doubts vanished. I really enjoyed it.

Jan 8, 2016
Amazing Death/Doom Metal work! The mixture is around 4 Doom and 6 Death, being all br00tal and shit. 'Nam sayin'?

Disembowelment Discography
Album | Type | Release date | Rating | Votes | Reviews |
Dusk | EP | 1992 | 80 | 1 | 1 |
▶ Transcendence Into the Peripheral | Album | Sep 1, 1993 | 89.4 | 18 | 3 |
Contributors to this album