기타 부셔 먹는 대한항공

Hey Folks, Here's some photos I thought you would get a kick out of.
Here we are in the airport in Korea. This is how much stuff we have to cart around with us everyday on airplanes.
I usually keep my guitars in a double gig bag so we can carry them on the planes. 99 percent of the time the airlines allow this but there is that one in a hundred that just says no, but they usually hand carry it and give it back by hand after the flight. Well, in the case of this airlines, I think Korean air, the guitars went under the plane. Here's what the stuff looked like from the window of the plane when they were carting it. We actually have video of the gear getting thrown into the cart.
After the flight this is what the neck on "Bo" looked like. Snap!
Bo is the black mirror guitar with the sustainer and the LED's in the neck that I have been using on "Building the Church" for years.
Luckily we were flying from Korea to Japan and Thomas immediately notified the luthiers at Ibanez and took Bo the moment we arrived and started working on her.
They glued the neck back together and I had her back in time for the show, and here is how she looked after being fixed.
Worked perfect. Big time thanks to our friends at Hoshino for delivering virtually the impossible.
스티브 바이 내한하고 공연한뒤 일본으로 가는 비행기를 탓는데 대한항공에서 짐을 막다뤄서 저렇게 되었다고 합니다
기타는 일본 아이바네즈측에서 수리를 해줬다고 하네요..
노개념... 누가 기타를 화물칸에 실어 놨는지..... | ||
대한항공이아니라 에어차이나라고도 하든데 대한항공이면 진짜 바이 한국 다신안오겟네 ㅜㅜ | ||
중국항공사래요 | ||
중국비행기 타고와서 한국항공사 욕하는 바보~ | |||
페이스북에도 마냥 한국탓인마냥 올려놧던데... 정정 글이라도 써줬으면 좋겠네요 | ||
정정해주시기 바래요 중국항공사에서 벌어진일이고 대한항공사에선 파손된 물품에대한 수리내역이 없다고함 | ||
정정글이 필요하네요 괜히 대한항공 이미지만 깎아먹는 것 같음... | ||
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