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Name :  level 11 아노마
Date :  2012-10-25 01:46
Hits :  6229

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October 2012

········ Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
········ Timo Tolkki - Classical Variations 2: Credo
········ Necrophagia - Whiteworm Cathedral
········ Galadriel - The 7th Queen Enthroned
········ Derelict Earth - Below The Empty Skies
········ Full Force - Next Level
········ Angra - Best Reached Horizons (Compilation)
········ Encoffination - Elegant Funerals For The Unknown Dead (EP)
········ Haggard - Grimm
········ Stielas Storhett - V (Compilation)
········ Funeralium - Deceived Idealism
········ Worship - Terranean Wake
········ W.E.B. - My Storm Upon You (EP)
08/10 Cauldron - Tomorrow's Lost
09/10 Daylight Dies - A Frail Becoming
09/10 Malignancy - Eugenics
09/10 Seven Kingdoms - The Fire Is Mine
09/10 Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind
09/10 The Birthday Massacre - Hide And Seek
09/10 Between The Buried And Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence
09/10 August Burns Red - August Burns Red Presents: Sleddin' Hill, A Holiday Album
09/10 Arkaik - Metamorphignition
09/10 Wednesday 13 - Spook & Destroy (EP)
09/10 Weapon - Embers And Revelations
09/10 The Acacia Strain - Death Is The Only Mortal
10/10 Sathanas - Spawn Of Satan / Sathanas (Split) (EP)
10/10 Poema Arcanus - Transient Chronicles
10/10 Galneryus - Angel Of Salvation
12/10 Pain Confessor - Incarcerated
12/10 Soulspell - Hollow's Gathering
12/10 Magica - Center Of The Great Unknown
12/10 Planks - Funeral Mouth
13/10 Mavara - Season Of Salvation
15/10 Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas
15/10 Kiss - Monster
15/10 Paul Gilbert - Vibrato
16/10 Stolen Babies - Naught
16/10 Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay
16/10 Dethklok - Dethalbum III
16/10 My Dying Bride - A Map Of All Our Failures
16/10 Pyramids - Mamiffer/Pyramids (Split) (EP)
16/10 Yakuza - Beyul
17/10 Acid Drinkers - La Part Du Diable
19/10 War From A Harlots Mouth - Voyeur
19/10 Mokoma - 180 Astetta
19/10 The CNK - Révisionnisme
19/10 Doro - Raise Your Fist
19/10 Wintersun - Time I
19/10 Rage Nucléaire - Unrelenting Fucking Hatred
19/10 Paragon - Force Of Destruction
19/10 Mob Rules - Cannibal Nation
19/10 Machinae Supremacy - Rise Of A Digital Nation
19/10 Subhuman - Tributo Di Sangue
21/10 Satan Jokers - Addictions
22/10 Bison B.C. - Lovelessness
22/10 Ill Niño - Epidemia
22/10 Pig Destroyer - Book Burner
22/10 ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Lost Songs
22/10 The Sword - Apocryphon
23/10 The Secret - Agnus Dei
23/10 Stone Sour - House Of Gold And Bones - Part 1
23/10 A Life Once Lost - Ecstatic Trance
23/10 Sister Sin - Now And Forever
23/10 God Seed - I Begin
23/10 Behold The Arctopus - Horrorscension
24/10 Eternal Elysium - Highflyer (EP)
24/10 Helloween - Burning Sun (EP)
26/10 Graveyard - Lights Out
26/10 Custard - Infested By Anger
26/10 The Sorrow - Misery Escape
26/10 Skálmöld - Börn Loka
26/10 Neurosis - Honor Found In Decay
26/10 Orden Ogan - To The End
26/10 Kamelot - Silverthorn
26/10 HIM - XX - Two Decades Of Love Metal (Compilation)
28/10 Rebellion - Arminius - Furor Teutonicus
29/10 Cradle Of Filth - The Manticore And Other Horrors
29/10 Yurei - Night Vision
29/10 Shining - Redefining Darkness
30/10 Black Country Communion - Afterglow
30/10 Forgotten Tomb - ...And Don't Deliver Us From Evil
30/10 Parkway Drive - Atlas
30/10 Nadja - Dagdrøm
30/10 WildeStarr - A Tell Tale Heart
30/10 Whyzdom - Blind?
30/10 Early Graves - Red Horse
31/10 Tiamat - The Scarred People
31/10 Nominon - The Cleansing
31/10 Ragnarok - Malediction
31/10 Impaled Nazarene - 1990-2012 (DVD)

November 2012

········ Hands Of Despair - New album
········ Convulse - New album (EP)
········ Incantation - Vanquish In Vengeance
········ More Than A Thousand - Lost At Home
········ The Wandering Midget - From The Meadows Of Opium Dreams
········ Fjoergyn - Monument Ende
········ Civilization One - Calling The Gods
02/11 Gloria Morti - Lateral Constraint
02/11 Pain - We Come In Peace (DVD)
06/11 Beheaded - Never To Dawn
06/11 All That Remains - A War You Cannot Win
06/11 Isis - Temporal (Compilation)
06/11 Dragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker (EP)
06/11 Aerosmith - Music From Another Dimension
06/11 General Surgery - Like An Ever Flying Limb (EP)
07/11 Bloodbound - In The Name Of Metal
09/11 U.D.O. - Live In Sofia (DVD)
10/11 Whispering Tales - Ad Abolendam (EP)
12/11 Zuul Fx - Unleashed
12/11 Kolp - The Outside
13/11 Machine Head - Machine Fucking Head Live (Live)
13/11 Soundgarden - King Animal
13/11 Deftones - Koi No Yokan
16/11 Kylesa - From The Vaults, Vol. 1 (Compilation)
16/11 Hell Militia - Jacob's Ladder
16/11 Nidingr - Greatest Of Deceivers
16/11 Subsignal - Out There Must Be Something - Live In Mannheim 2012 (DVD)
16/11 ASP - GeistErfahrer (EP)
16/11 Monolithe - Monolithe III
16/11 Denouncement Pyre - Darkness Manifest (EP)
16/11 Destinity - Resolve In Crimson
19/11 Porcupine Tree - Octane Twisted (Live)
19/11 Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day (DVD)
19/11 Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day (Live)
20/11 Rings Of Saturn - Dingir
20/11 Aeon - Aeons Black
20/11 Bad Brains - Into The Future
20/11 AC/DC - Live At River Plate (Live)
20/11 Blynd - Punishment Unfolds
20/11 Cryptopsy - The Best Of Us Bleed (Compilation)
20/11 Devolved - Reprisal
23/11 Antimatter - Fear Of A Unique Identity
23/11 Destruction - Spiritual Genocide
23/11 The Fall Of Every Season - Amends
23/11 Adorned Brood - Kuningaz
23/11 Asylum Pyre - Fifty Years Later
23/11 Funeral - Oratorium
25/11 Secret Sphere - Portrait Of A Dying Heart
26/11 Amenra - Mass V
27/11 Hanzel Und Gretyl - Born To Be Heiled
30/11 Gamma Ray - Skeletons & Majesties Live
30/11 Fragments Of Unbecoming - The Art Of Coming Apart
30/11 HammerFall - Gates Of Dalhalla (DVD)

December 2012

········ Negura Bunget - Tau
········ Bethlehem - New album
········ Arkan - Arkan
········ Ashaena - Calea
········ Sotajumala - New album
········ Fractal Gates - New album
········ Thy Disease - Costumes Of Technocracy
········ Blood Red Throne - New album (DVD)
········ Autopsy - New album
········ Legion Of The Damned - New album
········ Nerve - Fracture
········ Rob Zombie - New album
········ Centurian - Contra Rationem
········ Spektr - New album
········ Terra Tenebrosa - New album
········ Cronian - New album
········ Onheil - Storm Is Coming
········ Entrails - New album
········ Soulitude - Requiem For A Dead Planet
········ Falkenbach - New album (EP)
········ Empyrium - New album
········ Darkspace - IV
········ Disma - New album
········ Freak Kitchen - Cooking With Pagans
········ Chimaira - New album
········ Infinitum Obscure - New album
········ Feastem - New album
········ Eibon la Furies - New album
········ Dimension F3H - This Mechanical World
········ Fen - Dustwalker
········ Rage Nucléaire - Annihilation Frenzy (Working Title)
········ Gadget - New album (Split) (EP)
········ Pensées Nocturnes - Nom D'une Pipe
········ Nesseria - New album
········ Kroh - New album
········ Celeste - New album
········ Livsnekad - Tills Döden Skiljer Oss Åt
········ Mistur - New album
········ Derdian - Limbo
········ !T.O.O.H.! - Democratic Solution
········ Wormed - New album
········ Lord Vicar - Gates Of Flesh
········ Jungle Rot - New album
········ Dawn Of Ashes - Anathema
········ Orion's Reign - New album
········ Falkenbach - New album
········ Tad Morose - Revenant
········ Benevolent - New album
········ Tvangeste - New album
········ Edge Of Serenity - The Royal Hunt
········ Dragonrider - New album
········ Ordog - New album
········ Folkearth - Valhalla Ascendant
········ Apostasy - New album
········ Magion - New album
········ Facebreaker - Zombiegod
········ Northland - New album
········ High Rise Fall - New album
········ Hamferð - New album
········ Deinonychus - New album
········ Monstrosity - New album
········ Månegarm - New album
········ Devin Townsend - Casualties Of Cool
········ October Tide - New album
········ Rigor Mortis - New album
········ Mutiny Within - Synchronicity
········ Djevel - Besatt Av Maane Og Natt
········ Coffinworm/Von/Aenaon/Stielas Storhett/Krieg/Nightbringer/Dødsengel - Nightbringer/Dødsengel (Split) (EP)
········ Dark Forest (UK) - New album
········ Enochian Crescent - New album
········ Within The Ruins - New album
········ Sirenia - New album
········ Cannabis Corpse - New album
········ Still Remains - New album
········ Maveth - Coils Of The Black Earth
········ Common Grave - New album
········ Descend Into Despair - The Bearer Of All Storms
········ The Order Of Apollyon - New album
········ Malpractice - New album
········ Onward - Cauldron Of Regeneration
········ Blodarv - Gâst
········ Exhumed - New album
········ Empyrium - New album (DVD)
········ Alkerdeel - Alkerdeel/A Den Of Robbers (Split) (EP)
········ Circle II Circle - Seasons Will Fall
········ Immersed - New album
········ Mortification - Scribe Of The Pentateuch
········ Vital Remains - New album
········ Ingurgitating Oblivion - New album
········ Fleurety - Et Spiritus Meus Sempter (EP)
········ Nightrage - New album
········ Eluveitie - Evocation II
········ Deliverance - Hear What I Say!
········ Stigmatic Chorus - New album
········ Imperium Dekadenz - New album
········ Pallor Mortis - New album
········ Agrypnie - Aetas Cineris
········ Wormreich - Wormcult Revelations (EP)
········ Soreption - New album
········ Leviathan (GER) - Beyond The Gates Of Imagination Pt. 2
········ Winds Of Plague - New album
········ Finntroll - New album
········ Sorrows Path - New album
········ Coffinworm - New album
········ Armath Sargon - Under The Moon And The Sun
········ Atoma - Nova
········ After Oblivion - Stamina
········ Mitochondrion - Antinumerology (EP)
········ Hydria - Freakshow
········ IXXI - New album
········ Sarpanitum - New album
········ Flotsam & Jetsam - Ugly Noise
········ Thrawsunblat - New album
········ Enfold Darkness - New album
········ Glamour Of The Kill - New album
········ Pain Of Salvation - Clean (Working Title)
········ Horna - New album
········ Chthonic - New album
········ Crystallion - Killer
········ Twilight - Beneath The Trident's Tomb
········ Megadeth - New album
········ Sanguineus - New album
········ Whispered - New album
········ Doom Syndicate - Midsummer's Fall
········ Adrián Barilari - Barilari 4
········ Infernal Poetry - Paraphiliac
········ Holy Grail - Ride The Void
········ Threat Signal - New album
········ Fukpig - New album
········ Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire - New album
········ Enforcer - New album
········ Revocation - New album
········ Hegemon - New album
········ Essence - New album
········ Trials - New album
········ Down - Down IV Part II - (EP)
········ Eyeconoclast - New album
········ Reign Of Vengeance - The Final Solution; The Final Rebellion (EP)
········ Beto Vázquez Infinity - Existence, Pt. II
········ Trick Or Treat - Rabbits' Hill, Pt. 1
········ Stigmata - New album
········ Noneuclid - Transition Metal (DVD)
········ Verwüstung - Distances
········ Saurom - Vida
········ Moss - New album
········ Borislav Mitic - Time (Working Title)
········ Ironwood - New album
········ Circles - New album
········ Diabolical - Neogenesis
········ Savage Circus - New album
········ Seven Thorns - New album
········ Dreamtale - New album
········ Narjahanam - New album
········ In Vain - New album
········ Primitive Graven Image - Psychededlic Episodes - Observations On Death And Deathlessness
········ Pestilential Shadows - Ephemeral
········ Dantalion - Return To Deep Lethargy
········ Orchid's Curse - New album
········ Stormlord - Hesperia
········ Deafheaven - Deafheaven/Bosse-De-Nage Split (EP)
········ Thränenkind - The Elk
········ Woods Of Desolation - New album
········ Troll - New album
········ Mortuary Drape - New album
········ Betzefer - Suicide Hotline
········ Mortillery - New album
········ Haeres - New album
········ Orakle - New album
········ Pandemia - New album
········ Galar - New album
········ Woe - New album
········ Paganizer - New album
········ Babylon Mystery Orchestra - Poinium Cherem
········ Ghost Brigade - New album
········ Cyanide Serenity - New album
········ Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
········ Sargatanas Reign - Godwork
········ Lord - Digital Lies
········ Falloch - New album
········ Dark The Suns - New album
········ Woods Of Desolation - New album (EP)
········ Christopher Lee - Charlemagne: The Omens Of Death
········ Hateform - New album
········ Pump - Waiting For The Rapture
········ Wolfchant - New album
········ Hatebreed - New album
········ Immolation - New album
········ Pin-Up Went Down - B-Sides (EP)
········ Ares Kingdom - Veneration
········ Upheaval - New album
········ Assassin - Chaos And Live Shots (DVD)
········ Vermiform - Enlightened By Darkness (EP)
········ Svartidauði - Flesh Cathedral
········ Kaledon - New album
········ Atrocious Abnormality - Formed In Disgust
········ Skiltron - Into The Battleground
········ Seduce The Heaven - Field Of Dreams
········ Omen - Hammer Damage
········ Netherbird - Renaissance In Distortion (Compilation)
········ Saidian - New album
········ Nydvind - Telluria
········ Winds Of Torment - New album
········ Emergency Gate - New album
········ Majesty - New album
········ Canis Dirus - Anden Om Norr
········ Quest Of Aidance - Misanthropic Propaganda
········ Fairyland - New album
········ Machinae Supremacy - Gravity Run Official Soundtrack
········ Disgorge - And The Weak Shall Perish
········ E-Force - The Curse Of The Cunt
········ Final Breath - New album
········ John Petrucci - New album
········ Cathedral - The Last Spire
········ Tears Of Magdalena - New album
········ Arsis - Unwelcome
········ Netherbird - Funerals In Twilight (EP)
········ Scarab - Serpents Of The Nile
········ Candiria - New album
········ X Japan - New album
········ Tesla - New album
········ Triptykon - New album
········ Stormwitch - Season Of The Witch
········ Kahtmayan - Risen From The Ashes
········ Syrach - New album
········ Against The Plagues - The Quaternion
········ Claymore - From Ignorance To Remembrance
········ Sturmgeist - Zion
········ Quo Vadis - But Who Prays For Satan? (Tentative Title)
········ Nails - New album
········ Into Eternity - New album
········ Darzamat - Parvzya
········ Autumnblaze - Every Sun Is Fragile
········ Officium Triste - Mors Viri (Working Title)
········ Augury - New album
········ Asesino - New album
········ Emigrate - New album
········ Metalium - New album (Live)
········ October Falls - The Plague Of A Coming Age
········ Mastic Scum - New album
········ Skyfire - New album (EP)
········ Heljareyga - New album
········ Powermad - New album
········ Madder Mortem - New album
········ Dark Funeral - New album
········ Flesh Made Sin - Delirigion
········ Alice In Chains - New album
········ Periphery - Juggernaut
········ The Ocean - New album
········ Man Must Die - New album
········ Havok - New album
········ Warmen - New album
········ Splattered Mermaids - Reforged In Gore
········ Handful Of Hate - New album
········ The Project Hate MCMXCIX - New album
········ Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - New album
········ Enemy Of The Sun - New album
········ The Red Chord - New album
········ 40 Watt Sun - New album
········ 40 Watt Sun - New album (EP)
········ Visions Of Atlantis - Ethera
········ Qantice - New album
········ Kreyson - Andelé Strážní
········ Obituary - New album
········ Setherial - New album
········ Mystifier - Summoned Unto Disobedience To Rebel
········ Gama Bomb - New album
········ Myrkgrav - Forteljinger Frå Finnefjerdingen
········ Duobetic Homunkulus - New album
········ Cavus - New album
········ Vreid - New album
········ Demians - New album
········ Demians - New album (DVD)
········ Deathstars - New album
········ Mandragora Scream - Luciferland
········ Toxik - New album
········ Gorguts - New album
········ Crest Of Darkness - In The Presence Of Death
········ Aeternus - And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth
········ Operatika - New album
········ Sathanas - La Hora De Lucifer
········ Control Denied - When Man And Machine Collide
········ Aeon Of Horus - New album
········ Death Breath - New album
········ Mors Principium Est - ...And Death Said Live
········ Mortiis - The Great Deceiver
········ Demons And Wizards - New album
········ Cult Of Luna - New album
········ Attacker - New album
········ Lyrinx - Restriction And Failure
········ Aska - Everyone Dies
········ Armory - Empyrean Realms
········ Agent Steel - New album
········ Twelfth Gate - New album
········ Black Sabbath - New album
········ Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil
········ Angel Dust - Tales From Ashes And Dust
········ Necrophagist - New album
········ Empyrean Sky - Extending The Tangent
········ Fell Voices - New album
········ Satariel - White Ink
········ Absentation - Claves Inferni
········ Defender - New album
········ Anata - New album
········ Mourning Dawn - New album
········ Dragonlord - New album
········ Cellador - For All Or Nothing
········ Oath To Vanquish - The Ruinous Fate Of The Blind
········ Stormwarrior - If It's Not In Your Bloode... You Will Never Understande! (DVD)
········ The Dillinger Escape Plan - New album (DVD)
········ Finntroll - New album (DVD)
········ Nine Inch Nails - New album
········ Hromovlad - New album
········ Fifth Angel - New album
········ Odious Mortem - New album
········ Crystallion - Push Comes To Shove
········ Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - New album
········ Shatter Messiah - New album
········ Forever Slave - New album
········ Aras - New album
········ Agathodaimon - In Darkness (Working Title)
········ Unshine - New album
········ Memoira - New album
········ Adagio - New album
········ Whiplash - New album
········ Lunatica - New album
········ Satyricon - New album
········ Damned Spirits' Dance - Where Is Home?
········ Hevein - New album (EP)
········ Holy Moses - New album
········ Warrior Soul - New album
········ Owl - New album
········ Gris - L'Alchimiste
········ Stormhammer - New album
········ Mantic Ritual - New album
········ Wyrd - Death Of The Sun
········ Watchtower - Mathematics
········ Odious - Skin Age
········ Lyfthrasyr - New album
········ As We Fight - Rockcore (Working Title)
········ Logar's Diary - Book 3: At The Crossroads
········ Sworn - New album
········ Konkhra - New album
········ Amaseffer - When The Lions Leave Their Den
········ Saturnus - Saturn In Ascension
········ Tool - New album
········ Gojira - Sea Shepherd (EP)
········ Aisling - Karst
········ Eyehategod - New album
········ Extrovert - New album
········ Cerebral Bore - New album
········ Todesbonden - New album
········ Tesseract - New album
········ Twilight Of The Gods - New album
········ Trauma - Karma Obscura
········ Cobalt - Slow Forever
········ Pyrexia - Feast Of Iniquity
········ Daylight Misery - New album
········ Malevolent Creation - New album
········ Radiance (FIN) - New album
········ Arch Enemy - New album (DVD)
········ Mitochondrion - New album
········ Sanctification - New album
········ The Amenta - Flesh Is Heir
········ Naildown - New album
········ Sodom - New album
········ Pyorrhoea - I Am The War (Working Title)
········ Trouble - New album
········ Gwydion - New album
········ Aeternam - Moongod
········ Paul Wardingham - The Human Affliction
········ Electric Wizard - New album
········ Factory Of Dreams - New album
········ Crescent Shield - New album
········ Born Of Osiris - New album
········ The Few Against Many - New album
········ The Eternal - When The Circle Of Light Begins To Fade (Working Title)
········ Equilibrium - New album
········ Ulcerate - New album
········ Hail Of Bullets - New album
········ Klimt 1918 - Die Sentimentale Jugend
········ Persuader - The Fiction Maze
········ Rising Dream - System Corrupt
········ Resurrected - Morbus (EP)
········ Moonlyght - Return To Desolation (Working Title)
········ Vesania - New album
········ Soilwork - The Living Infinite
········ Dawn Of Tears - New album
········ Parasitic Extirpation - New album
········ 4th Dimension - New album
········ Opprobrium - New album
········ Gates Of Winter - Perihelion
········ Coldworld - New album
········ Bullet For My Valentine - New album
········ Machine Head - New album (DVD)
········ Svart - New album
········ Portal - New album
········ Katatonia - Last Fair Day Gone Night (DVD)
········ Severe Torture - New album
········ Slayer - New album (EP)
········ Pyramaze - New album
········ Airbourne - New album
········ Soulless - New album
········ Pressure Points - New album
········ Remembrance - New album
········ Vasaeleth - New album
········ Jon Oliva's Pain - New album
········ Blackfield - New album
········ Persefone - New album
········ Pantheon I - New album
········ Angizia - Des Winters Finsterer Gesell
········ Whorecore - Makot
········ Trick Or Treat - New album
········ Keep Of Kalessin - New album
········ Necrophobic - New album
········ Absu - Apsu
········ Mouth Of The Architect - New album
········ Gadget - New album
········ Thaurorod - New album
········ Conducting From The Grave - New album
········ Insision - New album
········ Deströyer 666 - Siege
········ Edenbridge - New album
········ The Meads Of Asphodel - Sonderkommando
········ Underoath - New album
········ Grave Desecrator - New album
········ Noumena - New album
········ Godflesh - New album
········ Ordinance - New album
········ Forever Storm - Tragedy
········ Cynic - New album
········ Swashbuckle - New album
········ Posthumous Blasphemer - New album
········ The Crown - New album
········ Kistvaen - New album
········ Dominia - Theophany
········ Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess
········ Destructor - Decibel Casualties
11/12 Fanden - The Cold Light Of Suicide
14/12 Paradox - Tales Of The Weird
16/12 Zero Down - Looking To Start A Riot
31/12 Lustre - A Spark Of Times Of Old (EP)
31/12 Rotting Christ - Apokathilosis (Compilation)


········ Heavenwood - The Tarot Of The Bohemians Part I
········ Axxis - New album
········ Winds - New album
········ Mercenary - New album
········ Iluminato - New album
········ TenHornedBeast - Elphame
········ Mumakil - New album
········ Judas Priest - New album (DVD)
········ Iced Earth - New album
········ Enthring - New album (EP)
········ Anathema - New album (DVD)
········ Order Of Orias - New album
········ Five Finger Death Punch - New album
········ Behemoth - New album
········ System Divide - New album
········ Coffins - New album
········ Black Obelisk - ??? ???. ??? II (Compilation)
········ Darkane - New album
········ Northern Kings - New album
········ When Nothing Remains - New album
········ East Of The Wall - New album
········ Year Of No Light - New album
········ Todtgelichter - Apnoe
········ Castevet - New album
········ Stielas Storhett - New album
········ Bleed From Within - New album
········ Lacrimas Profundere - Antiadore
········ Faethom - New album
········ Manilla Road - Mysterium
········ Exivious - New album
········ Anacrusis - Parallax Error
········ Children Of Bodom - New album
········ Obsidian Gate - Whom The Fire Obeys
········ Chaostar - New album
········ Moonsorrow - New album (DVD)
········ Rotting Christ - New album
········ Arven - New album
········ Extol - New album
········ Clutch - New album
········ Gwar - New album
········ The Answer - New album
········ Scorpions - New album
········ Summoning - New album
········ Eternal Oath - New album
········ Inquisition - New album
········ Vader - Straight To Hell
········ Gorgoroth - Instinctus Bestalis
········ While Heaven Wept - New album
········ Kylesa - New album
········ Crom - When Northmen Die
········ Suidakra - New album
········ Dark Tranquillity - New album
········ Death Angel - New album
········ The Faceless - New album (Live)
········ Slipknot - New album
········ Corpus Christii - PaleMoon
········ Scar Symmetry - New album
········ Deathchain - New album
········ Mechina - Empyrean
········ Subterranean Masquerade - In Pastille Colors
········ Sarke - New album
········ Kvelertak - New album
········ Deep Purple - New album
········ Amaranthe - New album
········ MyGrain - New album
········ Legenda Aurea - New album
········ Lordi - New album
········ Celldweller - The Beta Cessions II (Compilation)
········ Kongh - New album
········ Stone Sour - House Of Gold And Bones - Part 2
········ The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton
········ Exmortus - New album
········ Long Distance Calling - New album
········ Neurotech - Decipher Vol. 3 (EP)
········ Momentum - New album
········ Mithras - On Strange Loops
········ Aberrant Vascular - Aegisthus
········ Thyrfing - New album
········ Aborym - New album
········ Anagnorisis - New album
········ God Is An Astronaut - New album
········ Judas Priest - New album
········ Turisas - New album
········ Rosetta - New album (EP)
········ Vulture Industries - New album
········ Lantlôs - New album
········ Tombs - New album
········ Old Silver Key - New album
········ The Atlas Moth - New album
········ Blockheads - New album
········ Blackguard - Storm
········ Down - Down IV Part III - (EP)
········ Subsignal - New album
········ Arckanum - New album
········ Queens Of The Stone Age - New album
········ Black Abyss - New album
········ Killswitch Engage - Disarm The Decent
········ Blood Tsunami - New album
········ Antimatter - The Judas Table
········ Mirrorthrone - New album
········ Constantine - New album
········ Devourment - New album
········ Black Funeral - Abomination Storm
········ Enchant - New album
········ Obliteration - New album
········ Down - Down IV Part IV - (EP)
········ Diecast - New album
········ 36 Crazyfists - New album
········ Drowning Pool - New album
········ Dreaming Dead - New album
········ Suicide Silence - New album

January 2013

········ Dreamshade - The Gift Of Life
········ Alpha Tiger - Beneath The Surface
········ Riverside - Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
········ Tomahawk - Oddfellows
········ Hate - Solarflesh
········ Sons Of Aeon - Sons Of Aeon
········ Hanging Garden - At Every Door
········ Seth - New album
········ Saille - New album
01/01 Denouncement Pyre - Almighty Arcanum
08/01 Katalepsy - Autopsychosis
18/01 Helloween - Straight Out Of Hell
22/01 Voivod - Target Earth
26/01 Körgull The Exterminator - Metal Fist Destroyer
29/01 Deeds Of Flesh - Portals To Canaan

February 2013

········ Shining (NOR) - New album
········ Wednesday 13 - The Dixie Dead
········ Voodoo Circle - More Than One Way Home
········ Omnium Gatherum - New album
········ Dagor Dagorath - New album
········ Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance
········ Hæresiarchs Of Dis - Thirty-Eighth Sermon Of The Unborn
········ Saxon - New album
········ Rotten Sound - Species At War (EP)
········ Aeon Zen - Enigma
05/02 Anger As Art - Hubris Inc.
19/02 Lecherous Nocturne - Behold Almighty Doctrine
31/02 Red - New album

March 2013

········ Synthetic Breed - New album
········ Steven Wilson - New album
········ Battle Beast - New album
········ Hacride - New album
········ ReVamp - New album
········ HIM - Tears On Tape
········ Masterplan - New album
········ Koldbrann - New album
········ Brymir - New album
········ Belphegor - New album
········ Antipope - New album
········ Tribulation - New album

April 2013

········ Massacre - Back From Beyond
········ Amorphis - New album
········ Avantasia - New album
········ Stratovarius - New album
········ Torture Killer - New album
········ Accu§er - Diabolic
········ Onslaught - New album
········ Den Saakaldte - Kapittel II: Faen I Helvete
········ Hypocrisy - New album
········ Volbeat - New album
········ Pursuing The End - New album

May 2013

········ Týr - New album
········ Hirax - New album
········ Demonical - New album

June 2013

········ Purtenance - New album
········ Infestus - New album
········ Powerwolf - New album

July 2013

········ Devin Townsend - Z²

August 2013

········ Dimmu Borgir - New album

September 2013

········ Solefald - Kosmopolis

October 2013


November 2013


December 2013

········ Nocturnal Graves - New album
········ Kalmah - New album
········ Ondskapt - New album
········ Sanctuary - The Year The Sun Died
········ Nàttsòl - Iaktta
········ Cor Scorpii - New album
········ Deafheaven - New album
········ Virgin Black - Requiem - Pianissimo
········ Decline Of The I - Rebellion
········ Decline Of The I - Escape
········ Arcturus - New album
········ Engraved Disillusion - New album
········ Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
········ Lost Soul - Genesis - XX Years Of ChaoZ (Compilation)
········ Tribune - New album
········ The Wretched End - New album
········ Evile - New album
········ Lizzy Borden - New album
········ Alcest - New album
········ The Unguided - New album
········ Bloodsoaked - New album
········ Grayceon - New album
········ Wintersun - Time II
········ Suffocation - The Pinnacle Of Bedlam
········ Forgotten Tomb - New album (DVD)
········ The Kovenant - Aria Galactica
········ Mayhem - New album
········ Abysmal Dawn - New album
········ Assaulter - New album
········ Krieg - Transient
········ Kotiteollisuus - New album
········ Doomriders - New album
········ Epica - New album
········ Dornenreich - Freiheit
········ Aurinko - The Sunlight May Never Reach Us (EP)
········ Saattue - New album
········ I Killed The Prom Queen - New album
········ Ne Obliviscaris - New album
········ Switchtense - New album
········ Shear - New album
········ Pin-Up Went Down - Perfreaktion
········ Aosoth - New album
········ Alestorm - Live At The End Of The World (DVD)
········ Negator - New album
········ Marionette - New album
········ Pestilence - Obsideo
········ Iced Earth - New album (DVD)
········ DevilDriver - New album
········ Allegaeon - New album
········ Toxic Holocaust - New Logo
········ Convulse - New album
········ Abinchova - New album
········ Encoffination - New album
········ A Storm Of Light - New album
········ Orpheus - New album
········ Bornholm - Inexorable Defiance
········ Intronaut - New album
········ Heathen - New album
········ Sorcier Des Glaces - Ritual Of The End
········ Sorcier Des Glaces - North
········ Last Chance To Reason - New album
········ A Pale Horse Named Death - New album
········ Deceased - Ghostly White
········ Decaying - The Last Days Of War
········ Altar Of Plagues - New album
········ Eden's Curse - New album
········ Lock Up - New album
········ Blood Red Throne - New album
········ Lost Soul - New album
········ Vomitory - New album
········ Ommatidia - New album


········ Shining - New album
········ Blind Guardian - New album
········ Metallica - New album

물론 14년까지 정보다보니까 한해가 바뀔때마다 정보가 바뀌겠죠?ㅠㅠ
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level 6 GoodWeather     2012-10-25 02:15
부왘!!! 엄니옹 개쩔엄의 신보가 있다!
그건 그렇고 Ne Obliviscaris의 신보가 예상보다 빨리 나오네요
level 18 이준기     2012-10-25 03:46
우오.. 감사합니다. ㅎㅎㅎ
level 12 아교     2012-10-25 08:16
쥬다스!!! 쥬다스!!!
level 8 비단붕어     2012-10-25 13:21
으억 좋아하는 밴드들 앨범이 줄줄이 나오네요. 너무 많아서 메모도 못하겠고 ㅋㅋ 근데 하가드는 새앨범이 나온건가요?
level 11 아노마     2012-10-26 11:41
13년도로 연기됐나보네요
level 13 Harlequin     2012-10-25 18:50
메가데스 신보는 뭐죠 헐
level 11 아노마     2012-10-26 11:40
그러게요 잘못된정보도 껴있는거아닐까요?ㅋㅋ;;
level 13 Harlequin     2013-01-05 15:46
전갈형들 신보도 있네요.. 나와주면 정말 고마울 뿐이겠지만요
level 11 아노마     2012-10-26 11:43
아마 꽤 전부터 만들어온 자료인가보네요 연기되거나 루머같은거가 조금 껴있을거 같네요~
Notice타인의 평가에 대해서 왈가왈부하지 마시기 바랍니다.level 21 Eagles2012-07-2719550
Notice앨범 평가 시 평작을 70점으로 설정해 주세요.level 21 Eagles2009-09-1128681
Notice게시판 안내입니다.level 21 Eagles2004-01-1929334
32378가입인사 올립니다 [1]level 1 Neoparasite1 h ago36
32377메탈리카 justice for Jasonlevel 3 megatd2 h ago53
32376몇년만에 로그인을 했는데요level 6 뽕찢콘4 h ago76
32375Korpiklaani, Ensiferum 봤습니다. 대박이네요! [3]  level 14 b1tc0!nguЯu9 h ago170
32374비트펠라 보고level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-16175
32373Tomb Mold [4]  level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-16234
32372리카의 메탈음악 방송 66회차 업로드 되었습니다. (3월 15일)level 6 Lica2025-03-1679
32371Lake Wasabi [4]level 10 제츠에이2025-03-16202
32370한잔 하며 음악 듣습니다. [14]  level 19 앤더스2025-03-15361
32369Caveman Cult / Abysmal Lord 내한공연 (with 폐허, 수정, 세균전) [2]  level 4 고어맨2025-03-15341
32368쥐도 새도 모르게 디스트럭션 앨범 나왔네요? [7]level 15 metalnrock2025-03-15442
32367TOXIC HOLOCAUST D-10 [1]  level 5 GORECA2025-03-13316
32366업무 변경 [12]  level 11 D.C.Cooper2025-03-13501
32365간만에 와 봅니다. [5]level 11 Apache2025-03-13395
32364Doro - So Alone Together (Live in Germany 1993) [3]level 3 sojuoneshot2025-03-13198
32363빈서재 컬렉.. [6]  level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-12557
32362LORDS OF VERMIN 2025 오늘 자정 얼리버드 티켓 마감됩니다.  level 5 GORECA2025-03-10318
32361메탈x)요즘 비트박스는 그냥 악기네요 [6]level 8 씨리즈2025-03-10406
32360메탈서적 2권이 나옵니다.(메탈리카,20세기 메탈 가이드북) [22]  level 21 grooove2025-03-10841
32359FAP 에 새로운 앨범들이level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-10260
32358올드스쿨이level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-10207
32357다시 태어난 올드스쿨 데스메탈의 명반들.. [8]  level 14 GFFF2025-03-09618
32356혜성같이 나타난 터키 데쓰 밴드 SHRINE OF DENIAL - I, Molochlevel 9 버진아씨2025-03-09242
32355Niacin 라이브 앨범 [2]  level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-09260
32354폴 길버트, 빌리 시한 솔로 [3]level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-09300
32353앨리스 쿠퍼와 막걸리 타임 [10]  level 19 앤더스2025-03-09437
32352Sad Legend LP reissue via ASRAR [17]level 1 Jn12882025-03-09638
32351리카의 메탈음악 방송 65회차 업로드 되었습니다. (3월 8일)level 6 Lica2025-03-09155
32350저도 닭트랭 후기 남겨봅니다 [10]  level 7 파란광대2025-03-09766
32349혹시 Inkcarceration Festival 가시는 분들 계신가요?  level 2 Hello Metal2025-03-09287
32348다크트랭퀼리티 잘보고 왔네요. [19]  level 21 grooove2025-03-08754
32347다크트랭퀼리티 공연 후기 [15]  level 14 녹터노스2025-03-08680
32346Metal A to Z: [S]igh [10]level 10 제츠에이2025-03-08225
32345재미난 공연을 보고 집가는 길입니다 [26]level 14 쇽흐2025-03-08719
32344데스메탈 추천 [1]level 3 sojuoneshot2025-03-08261
32343집에 새 TV 들였어요. [8]  level 11 D.C.Cooper2025-03-08393
32342도프레코드 화이팅 [6]  level 18 Evil Dead2025-03-08640
Info / Statistics
Artists : 49,136
Reviews : 10,717
Albums : 176,773
Lyrics : 219,028
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악의꽃 2025-03-06 15:52
바벨과 더블어 "Stranger"의 "Stranger"가 최고의 곡 중 하나라고 생각^^
똘복이 2025-03-06 15:33
바벨탑의 전설 솔로... 진짜 풀피킹에 태핑에 마지막 스윕 피킹 마무리까지... 명곡이죠 ㅠㅠ
앤더스 2025-03-03 17:37
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse 진짜 미친 앨범이로군요!!
차무결 2025-03-01 16:00
7년만에 헤븐 쉘번 듣다
악의꽃 2025-03-01 00:51
블랙홀"바벨탑의 전설" 리프와 멜로디 전개 언제 들어도 소름.
고어맨 2025-02-24 21:43
Revenge 대체 가능 워메탈 공연 3월22일 Abysmal Lord / Caveman Cult 내한 있습니다.... 굽신...
앤더스 2025-02-24 20:50
Revenge 듣고 이 성님들은 인간이길 포기하신것 같다는 생각을 했습니다. ㄷㄷ
서태지 2025-02-24 18:32
Revenge 음악 꽉 막힌 머리를 뙇 뚫어주네요 너무 좋습니다 lml Infiltration.Downfall.Death
metalnrock 2025-02-15 00:48
그냥 기다리시면 재가입안하셔도 되었는데 ㅠㅠ
AlternativeMetal 2025-02-14 18:58
사이트의 인증서가 정상화 되었네요! 이제 주소창 https에 빨간 글씨가 안 뜹니다!