Rainbow - I Surrender
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이때부터 악기를 연주한다기 보다 그냥 즐기네요 ^^
그나저나 조린터너의 저 풍성했던 머리카락이 지금은...
이때부터 악기를 연주한다기 보다 그냥 즐기네요 ^^
그나저나 조린터너의 저 풍성했던 머리카락이 지금은...
metalnrock 2023-12-19 22:07 | ||
저번에 어떤 회원님이 제 글에 조린터너 아주 아주 어릴적부터 머리카락 없어서 가발쓰고 나왔다고 하던데요 ㅋㅋ. 저것 가발일 수도 있어요. | ||
sasqutch 2023-12-19 22:19 | |||
지나친 의심은 건강을 해칠수 있어요 ㅋㅋㅋ | |||
metalnrock 2023-12-19 22:33 | |||
저는 진짜 순수하게 그 회원님을 믿고 싶습니다. ㅎㅎ | |||
b1tc0!nguЯu 2023-12-20 00:00 | |||
Former Deep Purple and Rainbow singer Joe Lynn Turner revealed his lifelong hair-loss issue, which led to being bullied when he was at school. In a press photo for his upcoming solo album Belly of the Beast, Turner appeared without a wig for the first time since he was 14 years old, 11 years after he was diagnosed with alopecia. In a statement, the 71-year-old Turner recalled the “emotional and psychological damage from cruel bullying in school,” which led to him using hairpieces, but he asserted, “Assholes in high school trying to kick me around made me stronger and gave me the necessary motivation and strength to rise above the rest. Anger and pain are a great tool. If applied correctly, it could develop you to become the best version of yourself. Instead of running away, I was 'hiding in plain sight.'” 조 린 터너 본인이 직접 인터뷰에서 밝혔습니다. 14살부터 가발을 착용했다고요. 출처 https://ultimateclassicrock.com/joe-lynn-turner-bald-hair/ | |||
앤더스 2023-12-19 22:50 | ||
머리가 있던 없던 저는 그냥 목소리만 들을래요. 명품 성대 조 린 터너! | ||
ggerubum 2023-12-19 22:52 | ||
심금을 울리는 노래입니다 곡도 좋고 연주도 좋고 보컬도 좋고.. | ||
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