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TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresGothic Metal, Doom Metal
LabelsPeaceville Records
Ranked#22 for 1996 , #765 all-time
Reviews :  2
Comments :  19
Total votes :  21
Rating :  90.1 / 100
Have :  31
Want : 1
Added by level 21 Eagles
Last modified by level 21 Eagles
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Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by ggerubumAnathema - Eternity Photo by gusco1975Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by melodicAnathema - Eternity Vinyl Photo by ZyklusAnathema - Eternity Vinyl Photo by melodicAnathema - Eternity Cassette Photo by melodic
Eternity Information

Track listing (Songs)


Line-up (members)

Guest / additional musicians

  • Michelle Richfield : Female Vocals
  • Les Smith : Keyboards
  • Roy Harper : Voice (spoken) (track 6)

Production staff / artist

  • Tony Platt : Producer, Engineer
  • Jan Anderson : Mastering Engineer
  • Martin Wilding : Assistant Engineer
  • Mez : Cover Art
Limited edition digipack includes two extra tracks:
13. Far Away (acoustic) (5:23)
14. Eternity Part III (acoustic) (5:06)
A 2003 reissue includes a live version of "Angelica".

Recorded at The Windings, Ffrwd Valley, Wales.
Mastered at Battery Studios by Jan Anderson.
"Dawn" (by Farquaharson) & "Fantine" (by Hall) courtesy of Board of Trustees of the National Museums and Galleries on Merse ... See More

Eternity Reviews

Reviewer :  level 12   95/100
Date : 
Eternity is somewhat of a transitional album in Anathema’s discography (though what isn’t, with how often they changed sounds). This one is quite a big shock though, coming from the Death Doom of The Silent Enigma. Here, Anathema have completely fused Doom and Gothic Metal, and added in liberal amounts of Progressive Rock and ethereal ambience. And that last bit is very important; in stark contrast to The Silent Enigma’s deathly, ominous shadow of despair, Eternity is an ethereal, atmospheric, bittersweet cry of passion.

Although still very doomy and quite heavy in places, Eternity is elegant and airy. This is so well displayed in the intro and following track Angelica. Familiar, plodding Doom drumming and chords back an otherwise heavenly, melodic piece of music, as a slow lead guitar melody weaves through its golden air. The vocals are another important part; so poignant, full of passion, grief, and love. The rest of the album follows a similar pattern, combing the familiar Doomy drumming, guitar chords and general atmosphere of melancholia with nearly the polar opposite in graceful synths and gentle lead melodies, always contrasting this bitter sense of loss with unending love and hope. This was really a landmark release in the more melodic strains of Doom and Gothic Metal.

This one doesn’t get as much love as either the album before nor the many after, and I will never understand why. It was such a unique, unforeseen progression of the Gothic Doom genre and
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Reviewer :  level 21   100/100
Date : 
Album "Eternity" som hodnotil už v roku 2013, avšak je to tak špičkové album, že som sa rozhodol napísať dlhšiu recenziu a predstaviť dané album viacerým metalovým nadšencom v oblasti Atmosférického Doom/Gothic Metal / Rock -u (ak to vôbec niekoho zaujíma :D). Spolu s predošlým a nasledujúcimi dvoma albumami tvorí z môjho pohľadu najsilnejšie obdobie skupiny Anathema. Pritom zo začiatku som ho prehliadal a páčili sa mi z neho len tri piesne. Ostatné sa mi zdali byť nevýrazné, prípadne príliš mäkké. Aj to je výhoda kvalitnej hudby, kde pri viacerých počúvaniach objavujete nové a nové prvky.
Oproti predošlému nastala výrazná zmena v oblasti spevu. Vincent Cavanagh sa rozhodol na albume spievať. Nie kričať alebo revať, ale melodicky spievať a išlo mu to hneď od začiatku veľmi dobre. Jeho výhodou bolo aj dobré frázovanie, sila hlasu a aj príjemná "farba" hlasiviek. Druhou zmenou bolo časté využitie klávesových nástrojov, ktoré sa postarali o atmosférickú stránku hudby (podelili si ich Daniel Cavanagh a hosťujúci Les Smith). Výrazný priestor dostala basa, ktorú je dosť počuť, má príjemný hutný zvuk a akonáhle gitary hrajú vyhrávky alebo ťahavé melódie, preberá na seba časť tvrdosti. Najväčšiu rolu a aj pestrosť dostali gitary, ktoré taktiež boli oproti minulosti čiastočne využité odlišným spôsobom. Tie je potrebné si pozorne vypočuť, aby ste ich ocenili. Vyhrávky, melódi
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Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by Megametal
Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by Megametal

Eternity Comments

level 16   80/100
I didn't like this one as much as I thought I would. I loved Hope, and the execution is good throughout. I felt kind of teased like it was promising to get full and beautifully gothic metal like Joy Division + heavy distortion but that sound barely materialized. I had some little complaints about weak lyrics and then the intro track is followed by a track that has its own intro. I need to deduct points here & there. Still listenable, but not my favorite from them.
level 6   100/100
전집을 가지고 있지만 아껴듣는 아나테마의 3집. 전율을 느끼게 해주는 최애 그룹 중 하나
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level 12   100/100
the best album from Anathema
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level 11   85/100
고등학교 야간 자율학습시간에 워크맨로 몰래몰래 듣던 추억의 앨범. 다만, Anathema는 취향이 맞지 않는지 그렇게 많이 들었는데도 여전히 좀 지루함. 그래도 멜로디는 아름다우며 'Angelica', 'Far Away', 'Cries on the Wind' 등등 절반 정도의 곡은 좋음.
level 16   70/100
앨범커버가 연상되는 사운드. 외계의 영생 뭐 이런 이미지가 떠오른다
level 15   85/100
둠 포크 고딕락의 쓰리박이 찰지게 자알 버무렸기에 장르 간섭없이 몰입도가 상당할 맨키 완성가 덧없이 높다지만 선입견으로 장르 특성상 호불호로 세끼가 안되었으면 하는 바램을 가져 봅니다
Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by 푸른날개
level 5   100/100
이들의 앨범 중 최초의 라이센스 앨범. 당시 일본반을 그대로 들여와서 보너스 트랙까지 풍족했다. 나는 이 한장의 앨범으로 이들의 펜이 되었고, 지금의 진화된 모습도 만족하고 있음. 개인적으로 이들의 최고 앨범! \m/
level 12   85/100
다시들어보니 메마른 듯 하지만 서정적인 멜로디가 매력적이다. 둠 계열상 지루해지는 건 어쩔 수 없지만 이 앨범은 비교적 덜 하다.
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level 11   90/100
난 이들의 후기작이 좋다. 이 어두움이 잘 적응은 안되는데 좋은 앨범이긴 하다.
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level 14   70/100
개인적으로 이들 초기작에서 아름다움이나 서정성 등을 찾기는 참 힘들었다. 후기작에서 감명받아 초기작들을 모두 구입하였지만 결국 본작처럼 끝까지 듣기 참 힘든 음반들이 많았다.
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level 12   80/100
필요없는 부분이 너무 많다. 저지먼트가 더 나은듯
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level 5   95/100
인내력을 갖은 분만이 느낄 수 있는 음반이라고 생각한다. 후반부 곡들의 기타 연주는 정말 소름이 돋는다.
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level 9   95/100
아 격정적,서정적의미를 모두 담은거 같다 정말눈물나게고맙다 이런 앨범을 내줘서...
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level 12   60/100
이 앨범이 그렇게 뛰어난 앨범인가...전혀모르겠다
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level 8   100/100
나에게 발라드,팝같은 장르들을 뛰어넘어 가장 가슴아픈 노래들이 날 미치게 만든다...
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level 2   90/100
들으면 들을수록 좋아지는 명반 서정적이고 때로는 격정적인 이들의 내면의 음악에 빠지지 않을수가 없습니다
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level 11   90/100
Doom Death류만 좋아하던 시절에는 이해하지 못했던 이들의 음악이 이제는 들린다.
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level 21   92/100
영원(Eternity) 을 노래하지만 역설적으로 허무함과 삶의 무상함이 느껴진다. 아나테마의 초기명반.
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Anathema - Eternity Vinyl Photo by Zyklus
Anathema - Eternity CD Photo by Zyklus
level 15   100/100
죽도록 좋다..듣고있으면 눈물이..
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Anathema Discography

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▶  EternityAlbum90.1212
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Reviews : 10,692
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