501 album comments
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Sisslith 70/100
Not bad attempt, but compared to スペースギャラクシー, which was also released in 2016, this album is clearly at a lower level. I feel that most of the songs are pretty average power metal. However, it is interesting the idea of including instrumental tracks like the 5th or the 6th one. Iron Attack! have done it before, and with good results too. Jun 18, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
After Saurian Meditation, Karl Sanders provides us with a much darker and tribal-sounding album. However, from my point of view, Saurian Exorcisms is not as outstanding as his solo debut album. There are several excellent tracks, but, honestly, some choruses and passages present in the record are not my cup of tea. Jun 16, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
As in Crow'sClaw previous studio album, The Spirit of the Destroyers, in Seven Wonders of the Lotus Land the band displays excellent technique and well-developed musical structures and rhythms. Definitely, a very solid and entertaining instrumental power metal work. Jun 14, 2016
Sisslith 90/100
A hypnotic journey through the immemorial sands of Ancient Egypt. Jun 9, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
I strongly believe that in this album Iron Attack! have outdone themselves. The vocals have been improved and the instrumental work is at a higher level than before, especially the guitar one, which is plainly superb. Jun 7, 2016
Sisslith 75/100
From my point of view, the vocals are quite mediocre in this album. However, the instrumental work is very good, just as I expected from IRON-CHINO. Moreover, the instrumental piece called Queen's Letchi took me by surprise. I found it rather soothing and cooling. Jun 3, 2016
Sisslith 55/100
I thought that this would be a hidden gem. Unfortunately, Renaissance of the Ancient Ka is far from being great. The whole EP is quite boring and lacks technique, vocally and instrumentally, although some lyrics are interesting. On the other hand, it is always nice to have Middle Eastern folk melodies in metal. However, here the same scale patterns are too exploited, and not in an innovative way. May 14, 2016
Sisslith 70/100
It is always a pleasure to listen to Yama-B's voice. This album has good composition and notable guitar work overall. May 11, 2016
Sisslith 90/100
Although Sex Virgin Killer have such scarce discography, they have become one of my favourite Japanese metal bands. Highly recommended stuff. May 7, 2016
Sisslith 70/100
Here, we have again the same problem as in Crimson Red ep ♀: two first tracks which are very nice and pleasant and one last composition that, in my opinion, is extremely bad and pure noise. I do not see the point of adding these songs into both EPs, they only diminish their value. Apr 30, 2016
Sisslith 60/100
The first two songs are quite good, they follow the band's style and are also very influenced by X Japan's early days. Unfortunately, the track Crimson Red ♀ is just a bunch of noise. It ruins the whole EP. Apr 29, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
European 80's hard rock/heavy metal can gift us some really good and unique albums like Wings of Tomorrow. The furious song Scream of Anger is simply superb, a total overwhelming force, and the best track of the album by far. Apr 26, 2016
Sisslith 75/100
A good album and a classic, although it is a little overrated in my opinion. Nevertheless, in British Steel we can find metal hymns like Breaking the Law and great songs such as Rapid Fire or Grinder. Apr 18, 2016
Sisslith 95/100
This is a timeless album. Almost every song of it is an example of heavy metal at its finest. However, I honestly think that Gangland and Total Eclipse are at a lower level than the rest of the tracks, which, except for Invaders, are true masterpieces. My rating corresponds to the original edition (the one without Total Eclipse). Apr 15, 2016
Sisslith 75/100
Overall, Iron Attack! did some nice work here, especially with Iron-Chino's skilled guitar solos. It's also worth mentioning Yu-ta's (Gauntlet) performance on vocals. However, as I said in other albums comments, I'm not very keen on まいなすいょん's singing (4th track), I don't find it good enough. She does a great job on keyboards, but, in my opinion, she should just stay there. Apr 12, 2016
Sisslith 85/100
Concerto Moon takes another step on the ladder to greatness. Following the style of its previous releases, here we find a more complex album and, in several songs, neoclassical metal at its best. I think that this band deserves much more attention from metal lovers. Unfortunately, out of Japan, Concerto Moon is really underrated. Apr 5, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
This album is a perfect example of polished and energetic instrumental power metal accompanied by a great sound production. Mar 31, 2016
Sisslith 85/100
In "From Father to Son" we can clearly see an improvement in the instrumental and vocal work. An even better album than the previous one. By the way, the date of this album edition should be July 23rd, 1998, not April 4th, 2000. Mar 13, 2016
Sisslith 85/100
On the whole, every song is quite good, but what makes some of them great are Norifumi Shima's extraordinary guitar solos. "Fragments of the Moon" could be easily defined as a solid and well-crafted neoclassical metal album (this rating corresponds to the October 21st, 1998 special edition released by VAP). Mar 6, 2016
Sisslith 75/100
The drummer and the new vocalist of Shokran are doing some nice work here. Mar 3, 2016
Sisslith 90/100
Master Norifumi Shima and his blistering guitar solos. Feb 29, 2016
Sisslith 85/100
Excellent production and a very nice beginning for 2016's heavy metal. Feb 14, 2016
Sisslith 90/100
I found this by chance, and it turned out to be surprisingly good. A great power metal album with Gothic touches. Feb 5, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
I am not very fond of some vocals in this album, but the instrumentals are quite good. Besides this, I found the little piece called 天水山を目指す especially pleasant. Jan 17, 2016
Sisslith 90/100
An absolutely praiseworthy and ambitious work by Tobias Sammet. I found very interesting the concept of turning the lyrics into dialogues. Jan 15, 2016
Sisslith 80/100
In True Obsessions, Marty continues showing us his unique sound. However, compared to his previous works, this album is quite worse. The instrumentals and guitar solos are mainly great, but I think that the lyrics are cheesy and generic. The vocals are average, though. Note: a Japanese edition was released the same year in which there are two additional tracks: Shine on Me & Hands of Time. Jan 4, 2016
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metalnrock 100/100
calvin0907 100/100
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똘복이 90/100
Coldsweat 100/100
가장 위대한 헤비메탈 밴드의 가장 위대한 앨범, 누군가 나에게 헤비메탈 첨 들어볼려고 한다고 하면 이 앨범을 주저하지 않고 들이밀것이다. Dec 8, 2024
Coldsweat 100/100
존 사이크스, 이 한 앨범을 그의 음악인생 최대역량으로 불살라 버렸다, 하드롹 역사 불멸의 앨범. 그럼에도 반덴버그는 Here I go again의 뜨거운 한 소절 솔로만으로도 사이크스의 위대한 업적을 일부 가려버렸다. Dec 8, 2024
valfar 95/100
bathory 특유의 어두운 쓰래시의 맛이 후기에 완성시킨 바이킹 메탈과의 혼합된 작품. 가오 잡는 바이킹메탈이 아닌 바이킹을 정말 잘알고 좋아하던 블랙/쓰래시 밴드의 작품이라고 보면 된다. 앨범 제목부터가 가오에 지배되었고 a fine day to die라는 명곡이 탄생했다. 남자의 앨범이에여ㅎㅎ Dec 9, 2024
Iapetos 100/100
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녹터노스 90/100
아주 좋다. 그동안 AILD 앨범을 정주행하면 타이틀곡 포함 몇곡을 제외하고는 별로였던 경우가 많은데, 이 앨범은 오히려 싱글 이상으로 앨범 퀄리티가 뛰어나다. 듣기도 좋고 AILD 전매특허 메탈코어를 잘 즐길 수 있는 수작이나… 이 라인업이 고작 3년만에 해산되었다는게 아쉬울 뿐이다. 앞으로 이들의 미래는 어떨지, 그야말로 Through Storms Ahead할지 궁금하다. Nov 21, 2024
pasolini2 100/100
자기가 제일 잘 하는 것을 담아낸 앨범 Nov 21, 2024
gusco75 85/100
BOMBER 95/100
What a killer debut from Candlemass. Nov 22, 2024
metalnrock 90/100
Zynoch 95/100
such a legendary album. Nov 24, 2024
IAKAS 80/100
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am55t 90/100
jun163516 85/100
여전히 Opeth는 Opeth입니다. Ghost 앨범을 기점으로 서서히 희석되기 시작한 데스메탈의 색채가 거의 20여년의 시간을 지나 다시 돌아왔습니다. 간단히 비교하자면 In Cauda Venenum 앨범에 Watershed 스타일을 한 스푼 넣은듯합니다 10집 이후부터 보여준 아트 록 적인 Opeth의 음악과 Damnation 앨범 이후의 스타일이 조화로이 엮여진 여전히 Opeth 라는 이름에 걸맞는 작품입니다. Nov 30, 2024
metalnrock 85/100
metalnrock 100/100