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Username Valdis   (number: 11782)
Name (Nick) Sisslith  (ex-Valdis23)
Average of Ratings 79.5  (506 albums)   [ Rating detail ]
Join Date October 16, 2014 00:08 Last Login February 27, 2018 19:42
Point 49,379 Posts / Comments 269 / 504
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Country Spain Gender / Birth year
Occupation Student
Interests Music, Sport, Reading, Cinema, Writing

"If music be the food of love, play on"

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100 - Masterpiece
90 - Excellent / Great
80 - Notable / Very good
70 - Good
60 - Fine / Okay / Acceptable
50 - Average / Mediocre
40 - Bad / Very bad / Horrible
Lists written by Sisslith
Title Items Date
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Artist Genres Country Albums Votes Date
previewAtlasesPost-Metal, Death Doom MetalFinland51Dec 8, 2017
previewInferitvmBlack MetalSpain31Oct 13, 2017
previewGenocide GeneratorGrindcore, Brutal Death Metal, Industrial MetalGermany22Sep 18, 2017
previewTyakrahAtmospheric Black Metal, Melodic Black MetalGermany22Sep 15, 2017
previewBrünndlPagan Black MetalItaly22Sep 14, 2017
previewFellwardenAtmospheric Black Metal, BlackgazeUnited Kingdom42Sep 7, 2017
previewMediis TenebrisDepressive Black Metal, Atmospheric Black MetalFrance11Sep 1, 2017
previewCodeiaAtmospheric Sludge Metal, Post-RockGermany11Aug 31, 2017
previewSaaRAtmospheric Sludge Metal, Post-RockFrance11Aug 31, 2017
previewWampyrinachtBlack MetalGreece34Jun 1, 2017
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cover art Artist Album Release date Rating Votes Date
PenumbrapreviewpreviewPenumbra  [EP]2017-10-27751Dec 8, 2017
Endless JourneypreviewpreviewEndless Journey  [Split]2017-12-01801Dec 8, 2017
The Way ForwardpreviewpreviewThe Way Forward2017-12-0186.73Dec 2, 2017
Die on My RidepreviewpreviewDie on My Ride2017-06-02601Dec 2, 2017
WintergedankenpreviewpreviewWintergedanken2017-10-22701Oct 23, 2017
W2246​-​0526previewpreviewW2246​-​0526  [EP]2017-10-20551Oct 22, 2017
The War of the WitchespreviewpreviewThe War of the Witches  [EP]2016-11-05651Oct 13, 2017
The WarlockpreviewpreviewThe Warlock2015-10-31-0Oct 13, 2017
IIIpreviewpreviewIII2017-06-08551Oct 4, 2017
Soul in SightpreviewpreviewSoul in Sight2016-05-01701Sep 28, 2017
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preview  Tengger Cavalry preview  Die on My Ride (2017) 60/100    Dec 2, 2017
Die on My Ride Folk metal is a very broad musical genre. It encompasses a wide range of styles, from "Celtic metal" (e.g. Skiltron) to "Mesopotamian metal" (e.g. Melechesh). I’ve listened to many different forms of folk metal, the last one being "Chinese metal" by Dream Spirit. But never before had I heard of a "Mongolian metal" band.

Tengger Cavalry, which means something like "cavalry of the sky god" (Tengger seems to derive from Tengri, a Mongolian and Turkic deity), have been in the metal scene for seven years. They are quite a prolific band since they have released thirteen studio albums so far. "Die on My Ride" is their penultimate offering, and it is an unusual one.

On the one hand, the instrumental work is the highlight of the al ... See More
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preview  Dream Spirit preview  将·军 (2017) 80/100    Oct 27, 2017
将·军 It is true that nowadays metal music has spread throughout the world, and never before had it been so popular. Countries like China, however, still remain quite unknown in the metal scene. Proof of this is provided by the Encyclopaedia Metallum, where less than 300 Chinese metal bands are listed on the database. What is more, very few of these bands, such as “Tang Dynasty” or “Suffocated”, are really known in the West.

Despite the fact that “Dream Spirit” was formed in 2005, they didn’t release their debut studio album, “Mountains and Rivers”, until 2014. Three years later, this Chinese metal band present the world their second work: “General Triumphant”.

As the title suggests, this is a concept album which focuses on a fictional ancient general and his adventur ... See More
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preview  Jupiter preview  Tears of the Sun (2017)  [EP] 85/100    May 26, 2017
Tears of the Sun After the departure of bassist Masashi and drummer Yuki, Jupiter released the single "The Spirit Within Me", which featured Rucy and Daisuke playing bass and drums, respectively, as guest musicians. However, it wasn't long before they joined Jupiter as permanent band members. A few months later, the new line-up released their latest work: "Tears of the Sun".

There are several things that quite surprised me whilst listening to this EP. First of all, their music is progressively becoming darker. Unlike many bands of the genre who soften their sound throughout the years, Jupiter seem to have much interest in adding death metal traits -we could already see this in previous songs, such as "Allegory Cave" or "Darkness"- and atmospheric elements into the ... See More
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preview  Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum preview  Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ... (2016) 70/100    Jun 15, 2016
Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha j Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła skroź šaścihrannuju pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība na hipierpawierchniu zadyjakaĺnaha kaŭčęha zasnawaĺnikaŭ... I am not a big fan of brutal death metal, but this album's unusual title and its dark and eerie cover art definitely caught my attention.

Regarding the music, I believe that the vocal work is quite average. In fact, the singing sounds similar to other innumerable bands, and the mediocre production of the album does not help to solve it. Nevertheless, the instrumental work is fairly good and creates an obscure atmosphere throughout the record. Those ephemeral and sinister Middle Eastern melodies are the best part of it.

In relation to the rest of "Prajecyrujučy sinhuliarnaje...", there are many different elements present in the cover art and within the enigmatic lyrics, which must contain hidden meanings and deep symbolism. However, the whole thing seems very complicated, ... See More
preview  Symfonia preview  In Paradisum (2011) 70/100    Apr 25, 2016
In Paradisum This album has been strongly criticised by a huge part of the metal community. It is true that with this experienced and masterful line-up anyone would expect a memorable album. Of course, this is not the case. In Paradisum lacks originality and creativity, its production and covert art are mediocre, the composition is very generic, the vocals are weak in several songs and many lyrics are cheesy and boring. So what? This does not mean that it is a bad album. In fact, it is quite solid for a power metal album. We could highlight the following elements, which make In Paradisum a plain, yes, but enjoyable album nonetheless: catchy and powerful choruses, very well executed guitar and keyboard solos, well-placed interludes, nice melodies overall and some meaningful lyrics.

What we have befor ... See More
Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs preview  Orphaned Land preview  Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs (2018) 100/100    Feb 27, 2018
I can’t put into words how amazing this album is. Magical, wonderful and flawless at all levels.
Diluvienne preview  Ecloss preview  Diluvienne (2018)  [EP] 80/100    Feb 27, 2018
"Diluvienne" is a very cohesive album. It starts with some abrasive black metal accompanied by subtle keyboards, but, after this furious opener, comes the best part of the record: melancholic and dreamy post-rock passages intertwined with raging atmospheric black metal. Just great. Stunning debut by this French one-man act.
Fabio Lione / Alessandro Conti preview  Fabio Lione / Alessandro Conti preview  Fabio Lione / Alessandro Conti (2018) 80/100    Feb 27, 2018
What would anyone expect from a collaboration between Fabio Lione and Alessandro Conti? Exactly. Outstanding vocal performances and memorable power metal tunes... And they really deliver. Overall, the songwriting is quite good, especially various guitar solos, and the album features an effective blend of speedy power metal and melodic ballads. Highly recommended.
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Rose & Blood (Indies of X) preview  X Japan preview  Rose & Blood (Indies of X) (2001) 75/100    Feb 27, 2018
Some of this demo songs are really good. X Japan should have included them in their albums.
X Singles preview  X Japan preview  X Singles (1993)  [Compilation] 70/100    Feb 27, 2018
Good songs, but little variety.
Trance X preview  X Japan preview  Trance X (2002)  [Compilation] 40/100    Feb 27, 2018
Poor record.
Symphonic Silent Jealousy preview  X Japan preview  Symphonic Silent Jealousy (1992) 60/100    Feb 27, 2018
Weaker than Symphonic Blue Blood.
On the Verge of Destruction preview  X Japan preview  On the Verge of Destruction (1995)  [Live] 80/100    Feb 27, 2018
Very good live performance, although the drum and guitar solos were too long for my taste.
Symphonic Blue Blood preview  X Japan preview  Symphonic Blue Blood (1991) 70/100    Feb 27, 2018
Interesting arrangements. Recommended for fans.
Best-Fan's Selection preview  X Japan preview  Best-Fan's Selection (2001)  [Compilation] 100/100    Feb 27, 2018
X Japan's fans indeed knew which songs to choose for this superb compilation.
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LifeLife100/100    Aug 31, 2017
preview  Adagio preview  Life (2017)
Led Zeppelin IVStairway to Heaven100/100    Jul 20, 2017
preview  Led Zeppelin preview  Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
Led Zeppelin IVRock and Roll100/100    Jul 20, 2017
preview  Led Zeppelin preview  Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
Led Zeppelin IVBlack Dog100/100    Jul 20, 2017
preview  Led Zeppelin preview  Led Zeppelin IV (1971)
Led Zeppelin IIISince I've Been Loving You100/100    Jul 18, 2017
preview  Led Zeppelin preview  Led Zeppelin III (1970)
Over Wide SpacesWings' Motion90/100    Jun 8, 2017
preview  Concordea preview  Over Wide Spaces (2017)
Over Wide SpacesBreathe New Life90/100    Jun 8, 2017
preview  Concordea preview  Over Wide Spaces (2017)
oltreLuna[.subLuce.]90/100    Jun 3, 2017
preview  Progenie Terrestre Pura preview  oltreLuna (2017)
oltreLuna[.Pianeta.Zero.]90/100    Jun 3, 2017
preview  Progenie Terrestre Pura preview  oltreLuna (2017)
An Extraconscious LucidityPyre of Ascendance90/100    May 25, 2017
preview  Mare Cognitum preview  An Extraconscious Lucidity (2012)
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