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18 album comments
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preview  Kotipelto preview  Coldness (2004)
level 2 DaveHetfield   85/100
그의 최고, 꽤 좋습니다.   52 minutes ago
Accident of Birth
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
매우 재미 있고 그의 두 번째 최고입니다.   1 day ago
preview  Black Sabbath preview  Dehumanizer (1992)
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
밴드의 마지막 클래식하고 좋은 앨범. 매우 무거운 작업입니다.   1 day ago
The Last in Line
preview  Dio preview  The Last in Line (1984)
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
데뷔때와 거의 비슷해요, 정말 대단해요.   5 days ago
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Clear Cold Beyond
level 2 DaveHetfield   85/100
우리는 20년 넘게 파워메탈을 기다려왔는데, 이제 밴드가 그 일을 하고 있고 그 결과는 환상적입니다!   5 days ago
The Chemical Wedding
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
1998년 베스트 앨범, 정말 좋아요.   6 days ago
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Tales From the Thousand Lakes
level 2 DaveHetfield   95/100
권위 있는!   7 days ago
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Tools of Destruction
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
이 앨범이 왜 흥행에 성공하지 못하고, 퀄리티가 정말 높고 재미있는 파워메탈 작품이 아닌지 이해가 되지 않습니다. 들어볼 가치가 있습니다.   Sep 9, 2024
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The Ninth Hour
level 2 DaveHetfield   80/100
꽤 좋은데 과소평가됐어요. 2010년대의 다른 SA 앨범보다 낫습니다   Sep 6, 2024
Virtual XI
preview  Iron Maiden preview  Virtual XI (1998)
level 2 DaveHetfield   80/100
오해받고 과소평가되었습니다. 2번 트랙이 없었다면 앨범 시청률은 더욱 높았을 것이다.   Sep 5, 2024
Holy Diver
preview  Dio preview  Holy Diver (1983)
level 2 DaveHetfield   95/100
진짜 클래식, 불량 트랙 하나 없는 앨범.   Sep 3, 2024
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preview  Iron Maiden preview  Senjutsu (2021)
level 2 DaveHetfield   85/100
Even though Senjutsu might be considered a slightly below average release in Iron Maiden's impressive discography, the sextet's seventeenth studio album is still a very good heavy metal album that is dynamic and entertaining while occasionally lacking an adventurous spirit. The album's only significant problems are the unnecessarily long duration and poor production, as the song material is the best since the 2006 "A Matter Of..." album.   Aug 25, 2024
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preview  Stratovarius preview  Survive (2022)
level 2 DaveHetfield   95/100
Again? So once again? For real. Stratovarius has once again made an almost perfect album, while updating their own sound and inventing a completely new genre: modern power metal. "Survive" is the band's best since the masterpiece "Visions", with the song material being of unimaginable quality. The instruments are also still in possession, and it must be said that Mr. Johansson is perhaps the best keyboard player in the world. Really great piece, play this hard!   Aug 24, 2024
V: The New Mythology Suite
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
This album is definitely a grower. While it may not capture the aura of some of their first efforts, I think it embodies the scope of what Symphony X are capable of when they don't give a crap about being metal or selling records. This is the band at its best: five prog dorks that wrote an hour-long power metal concept album about Atlantis, not caring about pleasing anybody but themselves. But I guess artistic integrity doesn't put food on the table...   Aug 19, 2024
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Dark Connection
level 2 DaveHetfield   85/100
Dark Connection is definitely better than its reputation, although it is clear that the album is the band's weakest and most uneven so far. On the first albums, the combination of power metal and "80s party music" worked quite well and in a controlled manner, but on this album it already becomes annoying and exaggerated in places. There are still real gems on the album and you can definitely recommend the album to try, although I don't think it will change anyone's world.   Aug 14, 2024
Dirt Metal
preview  Thunderstone preview  Dirt Metal (2009)
level 2 DaveHetfield   75/100
Not really a particularly strong album. Dirt Metal is definitely Thunderstone's weakest album, although the limit was already lowered quite a bit with the previous Evolution 4.0. The song material is simply not very convincing, and Rick Altz's vocal performance is quite ear-wrenching to listen to. I can't recommend it, although the album's heavy soundscape might appeal to some.   Aug 13, 2024
preview  Sonata Arctica preview  Ecliptica (1999)
level 2 DaveHetfield   90/100
If you despise power metal and/or call it flower metal, then don't even bother with this album. It's that simple. Die hard power metal fans, and people who like Kamelot, Rhapsody, Edguy, etc. this is for you. The only difference is the vocals, which I think are extremely well done. The sound coming off this album is top notch. It's not extreme, bang your head, metal, but it does have a feel good quality. Not bad for Sonata's first album! A must for all true power metal fans.   Aug 12, 2024
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Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II
level 2 DaveHetfield   95/100
This album is geared towards those who enjoy technicality, good musicianship, energy, and those who like music that makes them want to burst through a wall (out of joy). Five out of the five members are at their best and the rest of the world was starting to notice the talent they had. Thanks to this album, the band got some well-deserved fame. They were already popular in Europe, but that had been taken to an even higher level. A really great album!   Aug 8, 2024
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Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 1 SwiftLN   100/100
Cooked to perfection for 12 years.   Aug 30, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 5 Natan_Willian   100/100
This is not just a simple album by a random metal band, this is an experience, a long journey that lasted 20 years and finally ended in the most masterful way possible. I'm still at a loss for words to describe what this album means to me, Time I was my favorite album and Sons Of Winter and Stars my life song, but I believe that now this has finally been surpassed mainly by Silver Leaves, which for me is the best thing Jari has ever composed. Anyway, just listen to this!   Aug 30, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 2 Jesus001   95/100
Holy f***!   Aug 30, 2024
preview  Fleshgod Apocalypse preview  Opera (2024)
level 14 녹터노스   60/100
아예 심포닉메탈로 전향해버린 플갓. 그나마 연장해주던 데스메탈적 터치는 이번 앨범에서는 찾아보기 힘들 수준이다.. 새로운 팬층을 확보할 수는 있겠지만 나는 1집이나 최소한 Labyrinth까지의 플갓이 이들 스타일의 마지노선이었다고 본다. 그때에 비하면 너무 유치해져버린 이들의 음악이 아닐수 없다.   Aug 31, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 2 MorgreyTheDark   95/100
The album was worth the waiting. It has it all: from majestic and epic orchestration to fast, melodic guitar solos, varied vocals and awesome pace changes and chord progressions.   Sep 2, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 13 caLintZ   100/100
(커멘트가 날아갔네요) 간단히 다시 남기자면... 한마디로 이정도의 작품을 다시 만날수 있을까 싶을 정도의 명작이다.   Sep 6, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 7 hot9080   100/100
듣고나니 점수는 정해졌다. 하지만 이 앨범을 기다린 12년의 세월과 이 앨범을 들으며 스쳐간 약 50분의 희노애락을 이곳에 어떻게 담아낼지 나는 도저히 엄두가 나지 않는다.   Sep 4, 2024
preview  Iron Maiden preview  Senjutsu (2021)
level 9 CODEX 666   80/100
이 자켓 그림에 울분을 느낄 정도의 분들이라면 한국에서 버젓이 유통되고있는 바람의 검심과 사무라이 스피리츠를 본다면 타락한 세태를 한탄하다 각혈하고 쓰러져 사경을 헤매지 않을까. 옛날 카콥 논란때도 그렇지만 사람들이 영화,게임등과 달리 음악에만 왜이리 편협해지는건지 알다가도 모를 일.   Sep 7, 2024
Time II
preview  Wintersun preview  Time II (2024)
level 1 yeib22   100/100
Absolutely amazing, this is one of the best metal albums ever! Everybody loves the way of the fire and one with the shadows, yet Storm really is something else. I can't get tired enough, I have heard this more than 20 times already and still I find new sounds and details everytime I listen to it. It's not a metal album, Time I and II are a complete symphony. Masterpiece. The only sad part is you don't get to really feel the experience with an MP3 or cheap earphones.   4 days ago
Difficult to Cure
preview  Rainbow preview  Difficult to Cure (1981)
level 16 랍할포드   90/100
전작보다 대중성과 헤비함 모두 부족해졌지만, 결과적으로 밸런스는 맞는 앨범. I Surrender 라는 메가히트 트랙만으로도 충분히 높은 점수를 받을 만 하며, 9번트랙 Difficult To Cure 도 귓속에 계속 맴도는 매력적인 트랙이다. 다만 나머지 필러트랙들은 좀 아쉽다.   Aug 20, 2024
Endtime Signals
level 14 녹터노스   85/100
하던대로 아주 잘한 다크트랭퀼리티. 다만 이번 앨범은 분위기적인 측면이 강했던 Haven이나 Construct 등을 들을 때 느끼던 전율보다는 ‘멜로디와 구성이 아주 좋다‘라는 느낌을 많이 받았다. 전작 Atoma와 Moments의 연장선이랄까. 다음 앨범에서는 이들이 잘하는 전매특허의 분위기 넘치는 DT 사운드를 더 들려줬으면 한다.   Aug 20, 2024
preview  Meshuggah preview  Nothing (2002)
level 7 Brown   95/100
듣는 내내 미쳤다는 말밖에 안나옴.   Aug 20, 2024
You Will Never Be One of Us
level 15 Cosmicism   90/100
Some people will say this is powerviolence / not a metal genre, but this is craazzzyyy heavy. I found the songs more focused & powerful than their 2010 album. These guys were definitely in the moment. Great music.   Aug 22, 2024
preview  Strapping Young Lad preview  City (1997)
level 14 metalnrock   85/100
데빈식 괴짜 인더스트리얼이라고나 할까 좋은 후클란의 적당히 두들겨 패는 드러밍부터 시작해서 꽤나 왁짜지껄하다 많이 들어 보지는 않았지만 꽤나 맘에 드는 앨범이다.   Aug 23, 2024
Strapping Young Lad - City CD Photo by metalnrock
The God-Shaped Void
level 5 mhvasconcelos   95/100
It flows easily. Great album. I remember that I don't like their previous albums but this one is fire. "Devils and Angels", "All the Bad Men", "While the Spiders Spin" are my favorite tracks.   Aug 24, 2024
preview  Stratovarius preview  Survive (2022)
level 2 DaveHetfield   95/100
Again? So once again? For real. Stratovarius has once again made an almost perfect album, while updating their own sound and inventing a completely new genre: modern power metal. "Survive" is the band's best since the masterpiece "Visions", with the song material being of unimaginable quality. The instruments are also still in possession, and it must be said that Mr. Johansson is perhaps the best keyboard player in the world. Really great piece, play this hard!   Aug 24, 2024
preview  Fleshgod Apocalypse preview  Opera (2024)
level 9 버진아씨   95/100
이미 공개된 싱글 트랙들을 미루어 짐작한대로 전작의 슈거와 비슷한 살점신식 탕후루 같은 트랙들이 주류가 돼 전작과 비중이 정 반대가 되었다. 결과적으로 나쁘지는 않았지만, 이대로 간다면 데쓰 아마란스 각이라 조금 우려스럽다. 킹치만 그만큼 라이브에서의 호응도는 더욱 높아질 것으로 예상되니 또 내한 해 줘...ㅠㅜ   Aug 26, 2024
Use Your Illusion II
level 14 metalnrock   95/100
90-95.use 앨범은 2가 확실히 좋은듯.개인적 생각은 2를 위주로 1과 섞어서 70분*2시디로 한앨범으로 묶었으면 어땠을까 싶지만 이건 이것대로 아쉬웠을지도. 오랜 시간 들어왔던 이 건스의 초기작 중 이제야 확실히 취향에 따른 순위는 정했다. 1집,use2,use1순.터미네이터2에 나왔던 12.어릴 적 친구들이 13번과 오리지널 비교하며 떠들던 기억이 나는 앨범   Aug 27, 2024
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion II CD Photo by metalnrock
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion II CD Photo by metalnrock
preview  Fleshgod Apocalypse preview  Opera (2024)
level 6 고무오리   75/100
소프라노 보컬 비중이 너무 많이 늘었다...근데 이 심포닉스러운게 아니라 그냥 파워메탈 같은 느낌으로 불러서 좀 이질감이 심해져서 이도 저도 아닌 음악이 될거같음   Aug 29, 2024
preview  Fleshgod Apocalypse preview  Opera (2024)
level 10 ggerubum   80/100
분명히 깔끔한 녹음과 매력적인 요소들로 귀를 잡아끄는 순간이 많지만 그 조합이 너무 매끄럽다고 할까. 가장 폭력적이어야 할 순간에도 그러지 못하고 깔끔한 느낌인 것이 아쉅다. 듣기 편해졌지만 매력적인 부분이 퇴보한 느낌으로 일장일단이 있겠다. 많은 메탈헤드들에게 어필할 듣기 좋은 앨범임은 부정할 수 없다.   Sep 1, 2024
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