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Behemoth - The Return of the Northern Moon CD Photo
preview  Behemoth  –  preview  The Return of the Northern Moon (1992)  [Demo]
Format : CD
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March 16, 2018
Behemoth - The Return of the Northern Moon
Rating :  55 / 100
Votes :  2
Album (1992)
GenresBlack Metal
LabelsPagan Records
1. ...of My Worship (Intro) (1:29)
2. Summoning of the Ancient Gods (6:38)
3. Dark Triumph (5:06)
4. Monumentum (Intro) (1:14)
5. Rise of the Blackstorm of Evil (6:44)
6. Aggressor (Hellhammer cover) (3:24)
7. Outro (3:01)
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