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Filosofem Review

Burzum - Filosofem




TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresAtmospheric Black Metal
LabelsMisanthropy Records
Ranked#22 for 1996 , #777 all-time
Album rating :  83.7 / 100
Votes :  89  (7 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 12         Rating :  55 / 100
This may be a bit brash, but I expected a lauded album made by a once nazi, church burning murderer to be a bit more exciting.

I wasn’t a big fan of Burzum’s other albums, but some tracks sat very well with me, and I could see the evolution of the heavily Ambient/Dungeon Synth-leaning Atmoblack developing. The problem was, the styles weren’t being mixed very well, we’d more so get one and then the other. I was expecting Filosofem – considered Burzum’s masterpiece and one of the greatest Atmospheric Black Metal albums of all time – to finally nail that style he’d been developing.

Aaaand no, he drops the ball for me. The tracks are incredibly boring and repetitive, no riffs to speak of, the guitar fuzz being so abrasive and poorly mixed that actual notes are mostly indiscernible. The ambient part has barely been incorporated into the music, with minimal, repetitive synthed notes playing a very minor background role. Once again, the only track that fully incorporates Ambient is devoid of any Metal at all, making this another failure to truly integrate both styles full and well into a single song.

The vocals, are atrocious, in fact the mixing on every front is so bad that nothing really sounds good, and this coming from someone who can enjoy artists like Bathory with no issue. This is considered depressive, melancholic, music… doesn’t really sound that way to me, it’s mostly just droning on and on without evoking much at all.

However, that’s not to say it’s truly a bad album, it’s just immensely disappointing. The compositions are decent, and the Ambient melodies that can be heard are quite nice. The repetitiveness is not so much an issue and does work well with the atmospheric soundscapes created. It’s decent background music if the horrible production isn’t enough to ruin the experience. But that’s where my compliments end.
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Track listing (Songs)

2.Jesu død8:3994.630Audio
3.Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament7:5388.923Audio
4.Decrepitude I7:5383.922
5.Rundtgåing av den transcendentale egenhetens støtte25:117625Audio
6.Decrepitude II7:5279.121

Line-up (members)

10,295 reviews
level 20 똘복이   100/100
Feb 12, 2022       Likes :  14
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level 20 똘복이   95/100
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Hvis lyset tar oss
level 21 구르는 돌   85/100
Aug 19, 2022       Likes :  3
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Sôl austan, Mâni vestan
level 7 유로니무스   90/100
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level 21 구르는 돌   80/100
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level 21 구르는 돌   80/100
Nov 30, 2010       Likes :  3
개인적으로 Burzum의 작품 중 가장 좋아하는 앨범은 두 번째 앨범인 Det som engang var이다. 하지만, Burzum의 앨범들 중 가장 중요한 작품을 택하라고 한다면 무조건 Filosofem이다. 본작은 Mayhem의 Euronymous가 Black Metal의 틀을 잡아놓은 이래 탄생한 가장 창조적인 역작이라 할 만하기 때문이다. 이 앨... Read More
Det som engang var
level 21 구르는 돌   85/100
Nov 24, 2010       Likes :  3
Det som engang var은 Burzum 초기 작품들 중에서도 가장 걸출한 작품이 아닌가 싶다. Burzum의 대표명반하면 보통 Black Metal씬에 엄청난 영향력을 행사했던 Filosofem이 자주 언급되기는 하지만, 마니아들 사이에서는 Det som engang var도 그 못지않은 고평가를 받고 있는 실정이다. 마니아는 아니지만 개인... Read More
▶  Filosofem Review (1996)
level 12 SilentScream213   55/100
Feb 13, 2023       Likes :  2
This may be a bit brash, but I expected a lauded album made by a once nazi, church burning murderer to be a bit more exciting. I wasn’t a big fan of Burzum’s other albums, but some tracks sat very well with me, and I could see the evolution of the heavily Ambient/Dungeon Synth-leaning Atmoblack developing. The problem was, the styles weren’t being mixed very well, we’...
level 1 dod   90/100
Mar 30, 2011       Likes :  2
바그... 자기 스스로 이 앨범을 Belus의 연장 선상에 있는 앨범 그리고 또한 블랙메탈이라는 범주안에 들지 못하는 앨범 그냥 메탈이라고 말했던 만큼 그 틀 안에서 들어야 합니다. 많은 분들이 예전 1,2,3집과 같은 초기 명반과 비교해 듣고 비교 하시고 '실망이다, 변했다' 이러시는 분들이... Read More
level 7 Vincent   98/100
Mar 23, 2010       Likes :  2
블랙 앳츠모스패릭의 제왕 카운트 크리쉬나크가 11년만에 돌아왔다. 그 답게 이번 앨범 역시 녹음 상태가 엉망이지만 어찌보면 녹음 상태가 구린 것이 음산함을 더욱 증폭시키는 역할을 하는것 같다. 연출력 또한 이번 앨범에서 큰 빛을 발하는데, 주로 4개 부분의 파트로 이루어져 각 2개... Read More
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