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Youthanasia Review

Megadeth - Youthanasia


TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresHeavy Metal, Thrash Metal
LabelsCapitol Records
Ranked#10 for 1994 , #412 all-time
Album rating :  86.6 / 100
Votes :  83  (8 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 4         Rating :  100 / 100
As Dave once said in his autobiography, the trio of masterpieces Rust in Peace, Countdown and Youthtanasia were recorded at a time of sobriety for him. Perhaps this influenced the greatness of the three works. For me, Youthtanasia especially shows a little more maturity in Dave's songwriting. That incredible sound of speed was left aside for a few songs. (In Countdown to Extinction this more progressive and heavy metal vibe appeared too). But the presence of a big ballad like "A Tout Le Monde", the album's big commercial success, is a sign of Dave's flexibility.

You can even notice a great doom metal sound in some moments, like in the main riff of the self-titled track that accompanies the great voice of Dave. Absolutely addictive. I could listen to this excerpt a thousand times.

For being one of Megadeth's most dynamic and homogeneous albums, this is a 100/100 for me. An unexpected and fantastic work.

The first four tracks are incredible. “Reckoning Day” has an incredible chorus, which is, in fact, Megadeth's best album in this regard. All the choruses are singable and stick in your head.

"Train of Consequences" shows an exotic, but still incredible Megadeth. The muffled guitar in the main riff that leads to the chorus is sensational. A good solo from Marty too.

Next up is my favorite Megadeth song: “Addicted to Chaos”. A visceral song about the problems Dave faced in the recent past at the time. This heavy metal riff is excellent. An excellent and unsurprising feature of this album, the great riffs. Megadeth's best album in this regard. And I don't even need to talk about "A Tout Le Monde". One of the best ballads of heavy metal for sure.

Like I said before, the track “Youthanasia” could definitely be a Candlemass song, for example. A masterpiece, with a slower guitar sound that increases energy, without being fast, but still heavy. And that doom sound continues until the main riff of the next track, "I Thought I Knew It All", which has one of the best choruses too. Incredible.

The album closes with "Victory". The mid to late guitar parts with the riffs and Marty's solo are out of this world. It would just be a good song if it weren't for that. But for me it was 90/100.

We could talk about "Black Curtains", "The Killing Road" (which also has a great chorus), all very good songs too.

It's kind of hard to pick two or three best songs from this album, but let me try.

1 – Addicted to Chaos
2 – Youthanasia
3 - A Tout Le Monde
4 - Reckoning Day
5 - I Thought I Knew It All

Not one of the bests:
1 - Family Tree
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Reckoning Day4:3490.428Audio Music Video
2.Train of Consequences3:2792.431Audio Music Video
3.Addicted to Chaos5:269026Audio
4.À tout le monde4:2896.733Audio Audio Music Video
5.Elysian Fields4:0481.225
6.The Killing Road3:5786.925Audio
7.Blood of Heroes3:5887.425Audio
8.Family Tree4:078724Audio
10.I Thought I Knew It All3:4589.324Audio
11.Black Curtains3:3979.723

Line-up (members)

10,214 reviews
level 19 Mefisto   90/100
Jan 23, 2016       Likes :  19
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level 19 Mefisto   80/100
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level 6 Murphy   100/100
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Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
level 17 The DEAD   100/100
Sep 5, 2019       Likes :  7
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level 21 구르는 돌   85/100
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Rust in Peace
level 17 이준기   96/100
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level 11 ]V[EGADET]-[   100/100
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level 17 The DEAD   90/100
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Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
level 5 Hrimfaxi   95/100
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level 15 OUTLAW   85/100
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level 19 Mefisto   90/100
Aug 23, 2015       Likes :  6
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level 19 Mefisto   80/100
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