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Slayer - Reign in Blood CD Photo
Slayer - Reign in Blood CD Photo
Slayer - Reign in Blood CD Photo
preview  Slayer  –  preview  Reign in Blood (1986)
Format : CD
4 hours ago
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Rating :  94.7 / 100
Votes :  220
Album (1986)
TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresThrash Metal
LabelsDef Jam Recordings
1. Angel of Death (4:51)
2. Piece by Piece (2:02)
3. Necrophobic (1:41)
4. Altar of Sacrifice (2:50)
5. Jesus Saves (2:55)
6. Criminally Insane (2:22)
7. Reborn (2:12)
8. Epidemic (2:23)
9. Postmortem (3:27)
10. Raining Blood (4:16)
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