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Damage Done Review

Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done

Damage Done

TypeAlbum (Studio full-length)
GenresMelodic Death Metal
LabelsCentury Media Records
Ranked#1 for 2002 , #23 all-time
Album rating :  92.7 / 100
Votes :  134  (9 reviews)
Reviewer :  level 1         Rating :  100 / 100
When I got into the metal scene I was mostly a power metal fan, and would hardly listen to any other genre, maybe some heavy metal, some thrash metal, and hard rock, but that was it, I was not open for anything else. However I became so fascinated with the power metal genre that it got me into putting attention to the labels my favorite artists belonged to, and of course those labels will have bands of genres I would never give a time of the day.

The biggest labels at the time were Nuclear Blast, Century Media, and SPV, at least of the styles I was most inclined to listen, and other than Roadrunner you would not hear from anyone else. These labels did not take long in finding a way to promote their artists as a group, and they started releasing compilations in audio and video, something that became very popular, rapidly, in the metal scene.

They were clever in the covers and would have something the metal audience will immediately connect with when they see the artwork at the stores, and this is why compilations such as the Monsters Of Metal volumes became so drastically popular, not only they had a cool cover displaying a Helloween mascot figure, they would also become a way to open the eyes of those like me to listen to other amazing music that we would never end up listening otherwise.

That's how I discovered many of the bands that I end up loving for the next decade and will continue to love in the future. I had been open to other things, but metal will always have a deep space in my heart. I feel grateful for having the opportunity to discover this amazing music that uplift our spirits and makes us give a sense to the times we live in.

Dark Tranquility was one of those very first bands I discovered outside the power metal scene. At first it felt scary to open up to something like their work, and it felt a little too outside my comfort zone to listen to it, but my brain soon adapted, and when that happened I started to notice that even in these heavier genres, as it is the black metal and the death metal, I found genius compositions that can only make sense in those styles, and that without those styles, that genius would had never been tapped into, and all those gems would had never been discovered.

The internet was still booming in their first decade of existence, and sites like this one were created for musicholics like me. Soon enough I knew the names of the new genres, such as melodic death and gothenburg, just like the city in Sweden, I also knew the countries where these bands were coming from, and I knew their discographies, which helped me to look up for releases I would never have known they existed otherwise.

After getting into the commotion of the In Flames and Soilwork catchy social reunion appealing style, it didn't took long for me to connect with Dark Tranquillity as well, which to my surprise I discovered they were the real pioneers of the style from Gothenburg, a genre that later become ridiculously commercialized in other not so socially appealing styles as the metalcore and the hardcore scene, but nevertheless became so popular thanks to the defining characteristics that bands like Dark Tranquility created.

Dark Tranquillity soon became the first melodic death band I saw live, their energy was captivating, and Damage Done became one of the most listened albums in my music library, but it was not because it was from a good band or just because it had a good sound, it was because it was emotional.

This is with no doubt one of the most emotional albums in the heavier side of metal. Mostly albums with such emotions only exist in the lesser heavier styles. But Dark Tranquility managed to change that, and created something heavy that can also make you cry. Even a decade after of listening to this album for the very first time, I can put it on, listen to it with my headphones, and enjoy it to the fullest, while at the same time feel the goosebumps and the deep emotions that songs such as Format C For Cortex can give you. Compositions that you only expect from the metal beasts of heavy metal like Iron Maiden. With this album, Dark Tranquillity proved that those genres are not the only ones that can reach those levels of composition and deep emotional sound.

When I first listened to this album on repeat so many times I thought this one was one of those that would probably pass by without people acknowledging the greatness in it, I didn't hear much commentary about it, and it made me sad that such a great album was not getting the honors it deserved. But after a decade it makes me happy to know that is finally getting that well deserving recognition, and that it is in the top albums of all time as it should.

Albums like this are the ones that unite our metal community, that makes us feel at home, and closer to each other, that we belong to something bigger, a poem of life and existence in which we sympathize with those that share the same enthusiasm in this beautiful age we call our present time.
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Track listing (Songs)

1.Final Resistance3:019334Audio Live Video
2.Hours Passed in Exile4:4594.336Audio
3.Monochromatic Stains3:3896.336Audio Music Video
4.Single Part of Two3:5289.831
5.The Treason Wall3:3095.233Audio
6.Format C: For Cortex4:3093.732Audio
7.Damage Done3:2892.431Audio
8.Cathode Ray Sunshine4:1494.632Audio
9.The Enemy3:5687.928
10.White Noise / Black Silence4:0986.831
11.Ex Nihilo4:3186.629
2009 Reissue Bonus Tracks:
12.I, Deception4:3482.52
14.The Poison Well4:07-0
15.The Treason Wall (Live)3:57-0

Line-up (members)

  • Mikael Stanne : Vocals, Lyrics
  • Martin Henriksson : Guitars, Music (tracks 1, 2, 4-11)
  • Niklas Sundin : Guitars, Music (tracks 5, 6, 11)
  • Anders Jivarp : Drums, Music (tracks 2-10)
  • Michael Nicklasson : Bass, Music (tracks 2, 9, 11)
  • Martin Brändström : Electronics, Music (tracks 2, 3, 8)
10,675 reviews
Damage Done
▶  Damage Done Review (2002)
level 1 stratogustav   100/100
Feb 17, 2015       Likes :  14
When I got into the metal scene I was mostly a power metal fan, and would hardly listen to any other genre, maybe some heavy metal, some thrash metal, and hard rock, but that was it, I was not open for anything else. However I became so fascinated with the power metal genre that it got me into putting attention to the labels my favorite artists belonged to, and of course those ...
level 14 쇽흐   96/100
Apr 5, 2011       Likes :  13
'치명적이도록 아름다운, 그래서 더 매혹적인 앨범.' 1. Indirect 직선적인 음악이란 세상에 없다(여기서 말하는 직선적인 음악이란 음악적 메세지를 의미한다). 만약 음악이 '직선'이라면 그 것은 메세지를 전하기 위한 현수막에 불과하지 더 이상 음악이 아닐것이다. 그래서 뮤지션들은 ... Read More
level 18 이준기   95/100
Jan 26, 2015       Likes :  9
예전엔 DT 하면 드림씨어터가 떠올랐는데 이제는 DT라고만 하면 드림씨어터는 저렇게만 잘 이야기를 안해서 이들이 자연스럽게 떠오른다. 내가 어느새 멜데스까지 듣고 나이는 들어가는데 취향은 좀더 젊어진것 같다. 이런 멋진 밴드들이 최근에 왕성하게 활동을 하는 덕분이 아닐까, 그렇... Read More
level 19 Mefisto   90/100
Feb 4, 2011       Likes :  9
[비장함으로 점철된 탄식 소리, 고통에 몸부림 치는 자의 독백] Dark Tranquillity는 멜로딕 데쓰메탈 밴드들 중에서도 가장 무겁고 암울한 분위기를 표출하는 쪽에 속합니다. Arch Enemy도 Angela Gossow를 보컬로 영입시킨 후로는 헤비함쪽에 좀더 치중한듯한 방향으로 가고는 있지만 기존의 Dark T... Read More
Damage Done
level 9 DeftCrow   95/100
Jan 8, 2011       Likes :  9
앨범의 곡 구성 / 멜로디 등에 대해서는 이미 곳곳에서 많은 찬사가 들어왔으므로 이 비루한 리뷰에서 굳이 다시 적지는 않겠다. 다만 필자가 이 앨범의 리뷰란을 다시 채우기로 한 이유는 이 앨범과 리뷰를 살펴보면서 든, 무언가 이상하면서 궁금한 기분 때문임을 밝힌다. Damage Done 앨범... Read More
level 10 Redretina   100/100
Jan 12, 2017       Likes :  8
이들의 한계는 어디까지일까? 이 질문은 이제 의미가 없어졌다. 아니, 어쩌면 예전부터 이 질문은 무의미한 질문이었는지도 모른다. 언제나 한결같은 스타일을 고수하면서도, 그 가운데에서 끊임없이 진보하며, 항상 최고의 퀄리티만을 고집하는 밴드가 세상에 과연 몇이나 될까? 본작은 ... Read More
Damage Done
level 18 이준기   95/100
Jan 10, 2015       Likes :  7
과감하고 육중한 사운드와 두터운 멜데스 보컬에 서정적인 멜로디라인까지 겸비한 다크 트랭퀼리티의 6번째 정규앨범이다. 멜로딕 데스 메탈이니 당연이 멜로디컬함이 있는게 정상아니냐고 할만하겠지만 이들의 남자다운 사운드에 압박감을 느끼다 보면 그런 멜로디컬함을 잠시 잊고 심... Read More
level 11 DJ-Arin   92/100
Apr 17, 2008       Likes :  7
Dark Tranquillity만의 감성적인 멜데스를 확립하기 시작한 앨범. 1, 2, 3, 4번이 연속적인 킬링 트랙이며 특히 여성 보컬과 함께한 3번 트랙이 상당히 인상적이다. 키보디스트 Martin Brandstrom를 영입하여, 전작까지는 거의 등장하지 않았던 키보드 사운드를 적극 활용하기 시작하였으며 2집 1번 ... Read More
The Gallery
level 18 이준기   85/100
Jan 18, 2015       Likes :  6
2집 앨범으로 데뷔앨범에서는 기타를 맡던 Mikael Stanne가 프론트맨으로 오고 Fredrik Johansson이 기타로 영입된다. 요즘 멜로딕데스메탈에서 당연스럽게 활용되는 키보드 사운드는 전혀 없으며 그로인해서 인지는 모르겠지만 뭔가 흥겹고 활기찬 멜로디의 느낌은 배제되어있고 상당히 어둡고 ... Read More
level 6 In Embrace   90/100
Jun 11, 2013       Likes :  6
<트랑시(Transi)> '트랑시'는 방금 죽은 시체와 완전히 썩은 백골의 중간 단계를 뜻하는 말로서, 본래 중세미술에서 기독교적 교리를 담아내는 데 쓰였던 소재다. 중세미술 작품에서 나타나는 트랑시의 모습은 해골에 가까운 마른 체형에 살점이 떨어질듯 말듯 달려있고, 머리카락은 거... Read More
level 7 Bera   90/100
Nov 5, 2016       Likes :  5
개인적으로 Foward Momentum 한곡만 들어도 이거 Construct 앨범 수록곡 아녔었나? 싶을 정도로 Construct 연장선상이라는 말이 딱인데, Construct에 Fiction 살짝 입힌 느낌이랄까. 여튼 Construct 앨범을 나름 좋아하는 나로써 참 좋게 들었다. 역시 치킨은 위대하다... (아참, 바이하드에서 이 앨범 예약구... Read More
level 21 구르는 돌   95/100
Jun 2, 2010       Likes :  5
Dark Tranquillity가 본격적으로 도회적 세련미를 지향하기 시작한 것은 Haven부터이다. 밴드가 이전에는 고전적인 선율의 멜로디를 구사했다면 Haven부터는 이제 현대적인 세련미를 두르기 시작했다. 이러한 사운드의 완성은 Damage Done에서 이루어졌다고 본다. Damage Done부터 폭력적이고 가학적인... Read More
level 21 구르는 돌   85/100
Jun 2, 2010       Likes :  5
Dark Tranquillity의 네 번째 앨범인 Projector는 The Gallery와 함께 밴드의 초기 명반으로 불리고 있다. 그러나 The Gallery가 Melodic Death Metal이라는 장르를 형성하는데 중요한 역할을 했기에 앨범의 선호와 상관없이 명작이라고 칭송받는 것에 비해 Projector는 호불호가 어느정도 갈린다. 그 이유는 당시... Read More
level 9 DeftCrow   95/100
Dec 30, 2008       Likes :  5
Dark Tranquillity의 모든 앨범 중에서도 Character는 가장 제멋대로인 것처럼 들리는 앨범이다. 첫 곡부터 정제 따위는 사치라는 듯이 몰아부치는 투베이스 드럼은 물론 다운 튜닝을 잔뜩 먹인 쌍기타를 휘둘러대는 모습에 속이 다 후련했을 사람이 여럿 있었으리라. 어찌 보면 The Gallery 시절부터... Read More
The Gallery
level 21 Eagles   84/100
Nov 9, 2005       Likes :  5
Dark Tranquillity는 1993년에 발표한 데뷔작 Skydancer 이후 미니앨범 Of Chaos And Eternalnight을 1995년에 내놓았으며 곧이어, 정규 두 번째 작품인 본작 The Gallery을 공개한다. 기복이 심한 극적이고 드라마틱한 연주를 펼치는 앨범으로 In Flames와 함께 Melodic Death Metal계의 황제로 군림하는 이들의 걸작으... Read More
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